jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
27 Апр 2014 19:30

Hello Sergey

Can you tell mw what can I use to display latest comments list from cobalt sections

I`m using "Cobalt - Types as comments" for reviews

So I`d like to display a list with latest reviews posted


Последние изменения: 02 Май 2014

Total posts: 13,748
28 Апр 2014 11:17

You can use records module. point to reviews section and sort by last modified.

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
28 Апр 2014 11:28

That`s what I tried to use but I get nothing display, i see only to module title nothing else


Total posts: 1,113
28 Апр 2014 11:34

If not displayed any articles that mean nothig was return to module, so maybe some settings of module is not correct.

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
28 Апр 2014 11:37

Hello Konstantin,

Well that`s strange because I do have reviews posted so I dont see why it should not sow anything, the module settings from my checks seams to be fine


Total posts: 1,113
28 Апр 2014 12:04

No any user restricts or view access restrics?

Total posts: 13,748
28 Апр 2014 12:06

Not you have to indicate section of reviews not of the type that you review.

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
28 Апр 2014 12:14

I`ve tried all combinations but nothing shows :|

Total posts: 13,748
28 Апр 2014 14:58

What is the page URL which you expect to show that module.

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
28 Апр 2014 15:11

It`s on website homepage module called "Latest reviews" as you see it's blank


Total posts: 13,748
29 Апр 2014 13:57

the problem was a parameter "Who can see children" in Reciew sec5tion set to no one.

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
29 Апр 2014 14:12

Oky thanks a lot, another question i have, can you tell me if it`s possible to display only the overall rating ( with stars ) of a review ?


Total posts: 13,748
29 Апр 2014 14:17

Yes. When you use API you get array with ['html']. But there is also 1-100 ['total']. So you can scale it to 5 or 10 star equivalent and display.

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
29 Апр 2014 14:23

Oky what about getting the title of the article for which that review/comment was done ?

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
30 Апр 2014 08:48

I found a solution for the stars which is pretty good I think now if you can help me with the code for:

  1. Display the corresponding article title for which the comment/review was made
  2. Display that article title as a link ponting to the article comments


jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
01 Май 2014 11:17

Sergey could you help me with this please ?


Total posts: 13,748
01 Май 2014 16:05

Display where? I thought we are tolking about full article view or at least article list. Anyway in both views we have article title already.

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
01 Май 2014 16:18

I want to display those comments in website homepage using records module


jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
01 Май 2014 16:21

So what I want to display is a list with latest 5 reviews/comments which shows:

Article title linked - for which that comments/review was made - rating with stars ( already found with what to display the stars ) - name of the reviewer/commenter - short intro of that comment text

Total posts: 13,748
02 Май 2014 03:30
  1. Create a special list template for reviews section for module.
  2. In that template use this to display parent aricle title
<?php $record = ItemsStore::getRecord($item->parent_id);?>
Review for: <a href="/<?php echo JRoute::_(Url::record($record)); ?>"><?php echo $record->title; ?></a>
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