jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
16 Апр 2014 12:05


When I set the records module to display featured articles from a section and all its types, it only shows featured records from only only section type


Последние изменения: 17 Апр 2014

Total posts: 1,113
17 Апр 2014 08:11

In module "Featured work abroad programs" select section Work, this section has only one type to submit. If you select many types in module it will show they when all articles with this types will in this one section.

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
17 Апр 2014 08:19

Hello Konstantin

I`m not sure I understand, are you saying that's not possible to have that ?


Total posts: 1,113
17 Апр 2014 08:31

It possible when all records with different types are in one section.

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
17 Апр 2014 08:41

Do you think is possible to add as a feature to be able select multiple sections ?


Total posts: 13,748
17 Апр 2014 09:00

Multiple sections are impossible. There is no way to create template that would potentialy display correctly any type from any section and applying all its parametrs.

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
17 Апр 2014 09:07

Sergey in your opinion do you think i did wrong when I created a section for each type ? Would it be better to only have 4 sections and their corresponding types ?

I mean what more do i get having a section for each type, and what will I lose if I set only 4 sections ?


Total posts: 13,748
17 Апр 2014 11:28

You lose only one thing with multiple sections. It is to list articles of all sections on one page.

If you have sections like for example Team Members, Product Catalog, Proposals those are obviously have to be different sections. Because thiy are completely different in how it looks and its meaning.

Every cobalt section should be considered as new joomla component. Imajine you have Docman and JReview. You cannot list all reviews and downloads somewhere on one page.

So you have to deside if you need one section or multiple. But you should not chose single section only because you want to list all articles on one page. Ther have to be other reason like types ar similar, category structure in every section is similar, ...

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
17 Апр 2014 11:35

Oky thanks, I think yes, we will stick on multiple section, I`m sure I can find another way to list those featured articles from all types in one page, probably with multiple modules


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