Total posts: 10
29 Март 2014 18:43


I'm trying to rename the fields, but I get to a page where I can not make changes. With firebug I get the following error

**ReferenceError: Joomla is not defined

Joomla.submitbutton = function (task)**

Thanks in advacne.

Regars, Marina.


Последние изменения: 31 Март 2014

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
29 Март 2014 19:30

Hi Marina,

This bug was introduced in Cobalt 8.508, however, an update to correct this issue was done in version 8.509, please download the latest version 8.509 and update your cobalt files, after update, the error should no more exists.

Total posts: 10
29 Март 2014 19:50

Thank you! I downloaded just a week ago the version I had not realized that in these 7 days You had upgraded version. It seems that now everything is ok

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
29 Март 2014 20:20

You are most welcome!

Total posts: 10
29 Март 2014 20:37

Well it seems that something has changed. I have the record list as "recipes_default", and now the picture is, I had, in the recipe testing. And I can not also link to the recipe


andiamine VIP
Total posts: 295
31 Март 2014 03:24

it's a new problem with fields include and exclude in views files, i opened a post here to fix this problem

Regrds, ANDI

andiamine VIP
Total posts: 295
31 Март 2014 13:48

MarinaDoc Well it seems that something has changed. I have the record list as "recipes_default", and now the picture is, I had, in the recipe testing. And I can not also link to the recipe

cobalt_imageindex Problem fixed !

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