gracescircle VIP
Total posts: 38
27 Март 2014 20:57


Is it possible to grant instant access to site content with Emerald? I have enabled the change user group action and it works, but the user must log out and log back in before they can access restricted material. Is there a way for this to be done without signing out and back in?

I have a menu which only allows a user from the Subscriber user group to access it.

Thank you,


Последние изменения: 04 Апр 2014

Total posts: 13,748
28 Март 2014 07:03

It should be instant. No need to logout. Just refresh the page. And it is needed only if you set user subscription manually. If user purchase it himself, access is immediate.

Total posts: 13,748
02 Апр 2014 06:20

Everythign is working perfectly to me. here is what I did.

  1. I looged into backend and frontend as admin
  2. Edited plan and activated offline payment plugin
  3. Logged in as jdoe and purchased plan with offline gateway
  4. As admin opened sales and published offline sale
  5. Refreshed page as jdoe
  6. Check backend user manager and jdoe not in Subscriber group.

Everything works perfect.

Total posts: 13,748
03 Апр 2014 06:22


I purchased plan with a coupon. and even without page refresh I could see that jdoe was added to Subscribers group. Everything works just fine.

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