maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
19 Июнь 2014 16:14

I need to set a different payment gateway based on several conditions (like IP, referral website, etc). I tried simply commenting out the code inside paypal1.php to see if I could place the if statements inside that page, but the button still shows and the gateway just crashes.

Could you help me figure out where in the emerald code I can insert these conditions so that each gateway only displays based on it's parameters?

Последние изменения: 20 Июнь 2014

Total posts: 13,748
20 Июнь 2014 02:46

I can think only one way. You can create Joomla template override for views/empayment/html/default.php file and there in the part where gateways buttons are listed (lines 184-195), add your conditions.

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
20 Июнь 2014 17:04

Thank you! That helped and it works like I need it now! :)

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