maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
15 Май 2014 23:07

Hi, How can I add user registration through Community Builder in the process of buying a subscription? I haven't been able to get it to work with Joomla registration even though I enabled the plugin. When I click on "buy now" I get an error: "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."


Последние изменения: 22 Май 2014

Total posts: 13,748
16 Май 2014 04:31

Emerald is not yet integrated with CB. You cannot subscribe during registration in CB.

To eneable Joomla registration not only you have to enable Emerald user plugins, you also have to turn plan selector on in that plugin parameters.

maleli When I click on "buy now" I get an error: "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."

Have you saved parameters of Emerald in backend? Please give me your site credentials and I'll check.

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
16 Май 2014 20:26

Oh, I see it now. But the thing is, not all registered users are required to buy a plan. There are users who are not buying a subscription, and we would like to have that registration as well. If a plan is required, we won't have other registered users, correct?

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
16 Май 2014 20:30

What's your email so I can add you as admin?

Total posts: 13,748
18 Май 2014 07:15

All this may be integrated with Emearld in form of Actions.

But I do not understand what you mean by method of payment in

maleli - 1 method of payment for direct purchases - 1 method of payment for affiliates from click bank - 1 method of payment for affiliates from our own network (future)

You think of it as a payemnt gateway? Or you simply need that nay payment gateway track purchases with different affiliate tracking services?

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
19 Май 2014 16:02

If this can be done through actions, great.

Yes, I meant payment gateway. I mean that if the referral URL comes from an affiliate that uses ClickBank, I need to show ONLY clickBank as the payment gateway available to them. But if somebody goes directly to the website and makes a purchase, they should ONLY be able to see the other payment methods (Paypal or whatever).

I have this almost working with Paypal as the only payment gateway, but I'm really not sure how to make this work so that each payment gateway is shown depending on where the buyer came from. I don't know if I can do this with a URL variable or with cookies to hide or show different payment gateways for users who came in directly and for users who came in through an affiliate link.

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
19 Май 2014 16:17

Also, I was thinking that I would need Community Builder to be working because I am using that plugin for registration, especially because I'd need users to be able to register with Facebook and other social site logins

Total posts: 13,748
20 Май 2014 12:47

But there is no ClickBank gateway right now for Emearld. And how it would work as gateway? Create subscription for free? Clickbank is not a payment gateway as I understand.

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
20 Май 2014 13:57

Clickbank uses paypal (and other gateways) but I'll use paypal. They have a paypal direct link that's built like this: ;country=XX

And they take other url parameters to pre-fill the payment form, which would be good and easy if the user is already registered.

But I'd need to figure out these details: - How to identify when a user comes from ClickBank They use a HopLink built like this: Which redirects to my product list. But in that redirection I'm not sure if I can track where the user came from and grab the affiliate id. They also have aliases for hoplinks so I don't know if I also lose information there. And I have no way of controlling how vendors will build their hoplink because I dont have direct communication with them. - And how to send parameters to and from ClickBank so that Emerald knows that the user has completed their payment.
Clickbank also asks for a Thank You page when you configure a product. Which means that it's not dynamic, and it's not something we can send out in parameters.

This is a short description of the thank you page:

The Thank You Page is the page customers will see after they purchase your product. Customers will only see this page if their purchase has been approved and the payment processed. In addition to thanking the customer for their purchase, your Thank You Page must include the following information:

Please include an email address, a link to your email address, or a contact us link on your Thank You Page.
A reminder to the customer that his or her credit card or bank statement will show a charge by ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM...
Clear instructions on how to download or access the product, or information on how and when it will be delivered to them.
... the following disclaimer needs to be at the bottom of any page with a ClickBank reference:

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site....etc

Thank you for all your help! I know it's alot of information but since you know the insides of your component maybe it's not as complicated and I just need to know a path to make it happen. Thanks!

PS. I still can't get registration to work, even with core registration :( Could you help me out? I set it up like you said but I still get an error, maybe I'm missing something.

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
20 Май 2014 15:51

sorry to be so insistant, I understand you're in another time zone, but we'd like to try and publish the site in a couple of days because there's a great opportunity we don't want to miss, even if not every gateway is implemented, but we do need a way to register users. Could you help me out with that first please?

maleli VIP
Total posts: 87
21 Май 2014 14:32

Please help :( I get an error I don't know if it's a bug or if I'm missing something, but when I enable "require subscription" on registration, and an unregistered user clicks on "buy now", they get an error.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Май 2014 05:40

I do not have answers for all your questions. I have to studi clickbank first but I do not have time right now to understand what it is and how it works. But i already can tell you that all you need is possible with new gateway and action developed.

to help you with regustration please leave your site login credentials and I'll have a look.

On the other hand you may turn off subscription during registration. Make it simple registration and then as soon as you try to access any protected area you are redirected to purchase page.

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