rixie VIP
Total posts: 8
10 Фев 2015 22:56

Wondering if you'll be adding Bootstrap V3 support into your CSS anytime soon? Am using JoomlArt theme and it has lot of UI issues I need to fix. Specially using the Jason theme.

Последние изменения: 29 Июнь 2015

Total posts: 13,748
11 Фев 2015 13:42

We will officialy support BS3 as soon as Joomla officialy switch to that version.

rixie VIP
Total posts: 8
17 Март 2015 17:27

Sergey & MintJoomla Team, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

I just updated Emerald and I saw a new Compatibility feature. It works great and answered my bootstrap issue.

Support like this is rare! You were intuitive to what I needed. You thought about my user experience first by fixing customer views. That's what I consider important. Keep thinking about my customers the way you did you'll have my business for life. My profession is marketing and this is how we think. You might already know this but thinking of your customer "customers" is biggest value you can give your customers.

With much respect. Thanks again, much appreciated!


Total posts: 13,748
20 Март 2015 02:12

Thank you for these kind words Rixie,

You can always leave review on JED and by that, help us little bit more to be more productive.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
22 Июнь 2015 14:56

Hi Sergey,

I am intending to upgrade my template and use Bootstrap 3 to fix some mobile issues easily.

If I do so, will Emerald 9 work perfectly? If not, what is my risk? What kind of failures will I see?

What does the compatibility mode do actually? I see that it is on by default. I did not understand how it should be if my template is using Joomla's core bootstrap or if I load template's Bootstrap 3?

Please advise. Another thank you for the wonderful work. :-)

Total posts: 13,748
23 Июнь 2015 06:47

hakana What does the compatibility mode do actually? I see that it is on by default. I did not understand how it should be if my template is using Joomla's core bootstrap or if I load template's Bootstrap 3?

Compatibility mode loads bootstrap 2 from Joomla media library. If you use it with BS3, you will have minor layout problems becuase BS2 and BS3 are not compatible. Somehow developers desided to rename some classes and other classes keep the same but assign them oposite behavior. What I want to say, that it would be incredibly easy to allow users to create markup that support both BS2 and BS3, but some people at Bootstrap are as staborn as hell!

As a result we as developers cannot create universal markup that will work for bos version. There have to be 2 separate markups. And Joomla does not supprot any way to create those separations.

What you will have to do is to create template override for every Emerald view and fix there small issues.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
26 Июнь 2015 09:04

So if I use Bootstrap 3 with Emerald, all the issues that might occur will be related with css. There will be no js errors or conlicts. Is that right?

Total posts: 13,748
29 Июнь 2015 04:39

hakana So if I use Bootstrap 3 with Emerald, all the issues that might occur will be related with css. There will be no js errors or conlicts. Is that right?

Yes, it is CSS issues.

If there are JS error, those are related to difference between bootstrap.js of v2 and v3. All Emerald JS scripts are written on pure jQuery and should not conflict with any version of bootstrap.

The way out of this as i see it.

  1. Create 3 menu elements Emerald dashboars - admin, New subscription - public, History - Registered.
  2. In Emarald global parameters set last to elements as menu elements for links.
  3. For first menu link assign protostar template

What you are doing thisway, you make sure that links to plans list and subscription histry have always those itemid in URL. And all the rest pages of Emerald will be in another template with BS2 but users will never see it as it is only for admin.

So you will have to adjust only 2 layouts for users, but those are ususlay you have to twick a little anyway if you want good looking website.

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