Total posts: 30
03 Июнь 2014 12:58


i have set to receive notification emails

i have set a secret for cron

and cron job scheduled by using this


but i didn't get notifications email but i receive notifications alert on site

please help me what i am missing

thank you

Последние изменения: 07 Июнь 2014

Total posts: 1,113
04 Июнь 2014 03:45

Try go to this cron url in browser with enabled error repoting. Check show it any errors or not.

Total posts: 30
04 Июнь 2014 04:42

i have enabled error reporting to system default

and accessed cron url in browser

it gives following errors


Total posts: 1,113
04 Июнь 2014 05:41

This warnings from com_sef component and they are not very seriously. Errors from our component isn't here. It must work if this sef component don't doing any redirect on other url.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Июнь 2014 10:40

btech it gives following errors

Does it redirect to different URL?

Total posts: 30
05 Июнь 2014 04:27

hi sergey

it does not redirect me to other url

i have disabled joomsef component and plugins


than cron url gives no error

but i did not get any email notifications

Total posts: 1,113
05 Июнь 2014 09:48

Email settings is correct?

Total posts: 13,748
05 Июнь 2014 11:21

Екне щ turn on error reporting to maximum and debig mode in Jomla and see if it will show any additional errors.

Total posts: 30
06 Июнь 2014 04:46

hi sergey

turned on error reporting to maximum and debug mode but it shows empty (blank screen) page

no errors no warnings etc

@Konstantin what do you mean by email settings

i have used emails in number of places, to verify users while registration, forgot password, forgot username, and many more

i recieve all emails but from cron job i did not receive any


Total posts: 13,748
07 Июнь 2014 16:59

There should be an error. Try to turn cron off. Then create some events to be sent. COnfigure to send innediately. And try through browser again. Perhaps the blank screen because there are not notification to send.

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