Total posts: 30
20 Март 2014 06:08


i have a question similar to this topic asked by @stblink

Add another Group of fields

what i have to ask is that

if we create number of fields (e.g name, year, grade)

i am stating these three fields as group

we need to create as many group (three fields) as user can do

now my question is that can we create a field which can use values of all groups as one value


Total posts: 13,748
20 Март 2014 07:40

This field is first in the line for new fields creation for Cobalt 9.

Total posts: 30
20 Март 2014 11:05

hi sergey you mean Special Form Elements >> Booloean can you please guide me with that how to use it

Total posts: 13,748
20 Март 2014 13:19

We call it Subform. In drupal it is called multifields.

I want to say that there is no such a field right now. But we are planing to create one and release with Cobalt 9.

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