kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
15 Фев 2014 09:43

I am trying to use the xml formatter, but when adding ?formatter=XML to an article nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
15 Фев 2014 16:58

Did you publish the respective plugin?

Formatters are disabled by default. It is called:

Cobalt - Plugin - Formatter - XML

kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
15 Фев 2014 18:55

yes, it is published

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Фев 2014 12:32

Do you have the other formatters? Do other formatters work?

(.INI is also available for free)

kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
16 Фев 2014 15:16

Ok, this was just my own stupidity and the lack of documentation... It is working now.

Is it possible to create custom feeds of records for different targets? I was thinking of creating a new section for each feed, but the records appear to be attached to one section. I also need to have a custom name for the field based on where the data is being sent...

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Фев 2014 19:22

Did not make serious tests with formatters in general, although I am desperately waiting for .CSV and .ICAL ;-)

XML custom name:

Each field has a parameter in General Properties -> Tag Name

Is this what you are looking for?

I was thinking of creating a new section for each feed, but the records appear to be attached to one section.

Not sure if I got your idea and application… Can you explain in more detail, please?

In general, a section is unique. If you are on a list view, there is only 1 section. So, all articles belong to it. But you can have unlimited Categories. Records/Articles can belong to multiple categories.

Total posts: 13,748
17 Фев 2014 00:32

Can you explain in more detail, please?


kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
17 Фев 2014 19:13

It seems like you have answered my question that I can't do it. Basically, my goal is to structure the output XML to match the XML specifications of an external company. In my case, I need to create a feed for and another for The data is the same, but the field labels may vary and some fields may be excluded or included.

In addition, I'd like to have all records from multiple types in one XML feed. I tried to create a single section using categories with multiple types, but could not get it to work. In my case, a single type represents an application with a unique set of questions. When I tried to do it, the section was blank when displayed. I'm sure I did something wrong, but I ran out of time and needed a solution. Anyhow, it sounds like I may want to use categories and a single section for all applications.

I probably have to spend more time with it, but any advice is welcome.


Total posts: 13,748
18 Фев 2014 06:55

Now I see.

This is what formatters was developed for. You can create your own custom formatter and it will be according to format you need.

  1. copy xml formatter plugin folder

  2. Rename folder, files and class name.

  3. In Joomla discover extensions, and install this plugin.

Now all you need is to change tmpl/xml.php file in the plugin. Basic custom template principles works there.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
21 Фев 2014 03:24

yes i have the same problem for indeed and symply hired too :(

kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
24 Фев 2014 18:26


I am happy to share what I find. My challenge is that this is a side project for me, so I am working it in as time permits. I will however post updates as I make progress..


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