kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
13 Март 2014 20:40


I have a simple system setup to accept job appolications in Cobalt. It works pretty well for getting the applications, but I have a few critical issues that are creating serious problems:

  • Notifications do not work correctly. I have the CRON event firing, but the new applications do not send the notification to me. I have Send Alerts Immediately Selected, all notication types checked and "Automatically subscribe me to every new article" checked for the section, but it seems to ignore it. I had originally created a master type for testing and it worked. I then copied this master into two other lists and they do not work. Is possible that something in the copy broke this?
  • I setup a Cobalt list on the user menu and it works, but the speed to show the list is very slow. The list takes 20-25 seconds to appear after clicking on it.
  • Sorting by Status field doesn't sort correctly (it seems almost random) and the other parameters in the status field, like automatic status change seem to be getting ignored. The sorting is generally frustrating since the refresh takes 30 seconds and it sorts in the wrong order (ascending/descending) and I am forced to do it again and wait for two 30 second refresh cycles. The other fields seem to sort ok.

Not sure where to go from here as I have tried to diagnose this myself, but I am just getting frustrated with the software at this point.


Последние изменения: 27 Март 2014

kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
24 Март 2014 13:44

I appreciate both of your your help and this fixed the issue.

My concern now is that I never set (or changed) this option for these sections, so I am guessing that one of you probably did it on the other sections that magically started working a few days ago. When I created them, I copied them from one master section called Applications to try to keep the setup consistent. This means that I had no way of knowing what was going on. This was also a heck of lot of work to solve a pretty simple issue. It would also be nice to be able to capture this information somewhere other than this forum thread to avoid future victims.

Thanks again for your help!


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Март 2014 16:51

kentster You cannot subscribe section if you allow follow users. Otherwise by following section, you will follow all users at once. So, you have to either follow user or section.

It is indeed very confusing. (at least not obvious how to configure and set it up for a certain purpose)

kentster It would also be nice to be able to capture this information somewhere other than this forum thread to avoid future victims.


Total posts: 13,748
25 Март 2014 06:39

kentster My concern now is that I never set (or changed) this option for these sections, so I am guessing that one of you probably did it on the other sections that magically started working a few days ago

I did.

kentster It would also be nice to be able to capture this information somewhere other than this forum thread to avoid future victims.

Find a good place, and I'll put it there. it is already here.


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
26 Март 2014 20:45

Sergey it is already here

Apart from little "typos"... it is great to have the (very) short tooltip infos, but without the own experience and further explanations it is really hard to get the idea. I mean the resulting effect and impact on the whole notification functionality.

kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
27 Март 2014 15:20

I'll think about this. It seems that we we need something that focuses on application (or case) scenarios and gives a bigger picture view of the considerations and then how to properly configure it. The tooltips give you setting level explanations, but do not connect the dots for us. This is a good example of where I spent weeks trying to sort through this and even with expert help, we couldn't quickly get to the root of the problem.

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