Total posts: 70
12 Нояб 2015 21:19


Is there anyway to see the "real" number of active subscribers using the Admin Control option in Emerald. I can alway see the number of subscribers that have joined over the years (those that are locked included) but, I can't get an AUTOMATIC count of the current active subscriptions without manually counting the listingsby dates, this is exhausting.

Because the STATE column, even those that are locked show as published there is no criteria or way to get the true number of current subscribers that are really active, those subscribers that do have access to everything. Is there a way to pull that information?

Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 4.20.44 PM

D. Ashley

Последние изменения: 16 Авг 2016

Total posts: 13,748
13 Нояб 2015 14:32

I'll see if I can implement filter to show active subscribers. But I'll do it in Emerald 10.

Total posts: 70
16 Нояб 2015 18:22


Thank you for responding. I look forward to the update.


Total posts: 70
11 Апр 2016 05:09

Hello Sergey,

I know I asked this question sometime ago. I am still hoping that there is a way to distinquish between subscriber that are really active and those that the software says are active but are not. What is the point of including active in the database if its not really making any real distinction? Maybe members could simple keep updating the same subscription rather than creating a new entry each time?

I see that you have another upgrade. Is there any chance that this issue has been resolved there?

Regards, D. Ashley

Total posts: 70
12 Апр 2016 13:38


Just want to get some feedback about this issue.

D. Ashley

Total posts: 13,748
13 Апр 2016 07:19

zanni Maybe members could simple keep updating the same subscription rather than creating a new entry each time?

AEC have this style. You know AEC is not supported anymore. When I created migration I discovered this. And that was a real problem. You see if you want to give user an invoice, you have to have every transaction as new record. So it has unique number. WHn you have same record you cannot change number on updates, for users will lose old invoice and you cannot add new to every transaction.

It is comon sense and common practice to make it the way it is done in Emerald. After every transaction, user might open and print invoice.

zanni I see that you have another upgrade. Is there any chance that this issue has been resolved there?

I'll add active subscriptions filter in emerald 10 which is very close to be released.

Total posts: 70
21 Апр 2016 00:42

Hello Sergey,

Thank you for your response. I think the addition of a filter to determine the "real" active subscribers is very important. With this feature we would know how many people have dropped out or been added to the site. I think your application is one of the best on the market, but this feature is quite necessary. I look forward to it in version 10.

Thanks for all your help. D. Ashley

Total posts: 70
13 Авг 2016 15:44

Hello Sergey,

I see your getting close to version 10. I do hope you try including the ability to update a subscripion rather than creating a new subscription each time. It is less importnat, I think, to allow memebers to have an invoice and more important to be able accurately count the number of active subscribers current in a member base.

One other feature would be great also, a way to include the user name (or real name) included in the data base so, when exporting SQL data it would be included? Or an export feature from the front end of the site?

Thanks for all your great help, D. Ashley

Total posts: 13,748
16 Авг 2016 08:34

zanni I do hope you try including the ability to update a subscripion rather than creating a new subscription each time

You can manually update subscription. But I'll not change internal structure and Emerald will continue to create new record per every new charge.

zanni I think, to allow memebers to have an invoice

That is there even for Emerald 9.

zanni to be able accurately count the number of active subscribers current in a member base.

This filter will be there.

zanni One other feature would be great also, a way to include the user name (or real name) included in the data base so, when exporting SQL data it would be included? Or an export feature from the front end of the site?

You mean export of subscriptions? I think you can create a query that will include name using user_id field. Even in PMS you can export query result.

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