narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
24 Янв 2016 16:38

Hello there,

My site is running with Cobalt 8, Emerald 9, Easysocial (integrated with Cobalt) and JA Social II based on Bootstrap V3. But it seems that your extensions are not compatible with Bootstrap v3.

So, first i'd like know if you are planning to make Cobalt 9 and Emerald 10 compatible with BS3.

If no, i request you advise to solve this issue.

Assigning another template on Cobalt/Emerald pages does not suit me, because since i integrated Cobalt with Easysocial, there are some Cobalt entries on easysocial profile that don't display well because of BS3; so i prefer solving this issue on JA Social II template at once. And i'm fond of JA Social II.

I'm thinking over it for a long time, and i'm just tired. My site is almost finished, i just need to solve this issue. May be some of you can propose me any custom job ? Just tell me how much. Or another idea would be appreciated.

Help please.

Последние изменения: 28 Янв 2016

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Янв 2016 02:42

Hello narcis,
can you provide some infos what are the issues in detail?
Maybe a list with screenshots and descriptions?
Maybe even a temp live URL?

Are the issues related to list/full view templates? Or specific to a field type?
Frontend display issues or mainly during record-submission?

(BTW, I remember your previous topic.)

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
25 Янв 2016 08:14

Hello pepperstreet,

On Cobalt, issues happen on Select fields when you submit/edit an article, but only if these fields are in a group field. Issues happen also on frontend display: Author Details don't display as well at the bottom (list and full view). For screenshots, please refer to my previous topic.

As for Emerald, i cannot edit plan, because a blank page appears.

T3 Blank was a good temporary solution; but, i think that i should run all my extensions on a unique template.

Have you access to private topic ? Or else may i have your address email ? So i could send u URL access.

Best regards.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Янв 2016 13:44

narcis As for Emerald, i cannot edit plan, because a blank page appears.

Please deal with blank page and tell the error.

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