narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
01 Окт 2015 15:58


I'm facing to this issue : registered user can view an article, but public user cannot, he gets this message : Erreur. This section is currently offline. Please, check back later.

Of course, section is set to Online and the access level is set to Public in Cobalt type.

Help please.

Последние изменения: 29 Июнь 2016

Total posts: 13,748
02 Окт 2015 12:22

Is this happence when you access article full view or artilce list? What is access level of the article if you check in in DB?

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
05 Окт 2015 10:51


Sorry for delay.

I've just checked out the DB. Access level is set to 1 (Public). It happens on full view.


Total posts: 13,748
05 Окт 2015 12:55

Is article inside category? If yes what is category access?

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
05 Окт 2015 14:08

Article is not in category :+(

Total posts: 13,748
07 Окт 2015 14:52

Give me access I'll have a look.

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
07 Окт 2015 15:18

Hello Sergey,

I've just found the problem. Actually, the Access level of Section was set to Registered... did not pay attention to this setting. Every thing is fine now.

Thanks for fast support.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
07 Окт 2015 21:30

Just out of curiosity:
If the section access is "Registered", why did it show the message "This section is currently offline"?
Actually the wrong wording. Or language constant!?

Total posts: 13,748
11 Окт 2015 12:25

pepperstreet If the section access is "Registered", why did it show the message "This section is currently offline"?

Actually the wrong wording. Or language constant!?

This is taken from Joomla's "Site is offline" idea.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
11 Окт 2015 23:33

Sergey This is taken from Joomla's "Site is offline" idea.

But this is a total different use case and context, IMHO.
The section is not offline.

It should either display a message that talks of something like:
"you can't access..."
"you don't have the needed privilege..."
"you don't have the rights to..."
"Access denied!" ;) (maybe too little information for the DAU)

Or something like a positive advice, that explains the reason to the visiter.
This might prevent support emails and further questions... :
"You have to be ACL to access this section"
"You need the following access rights to view this section: ACL"

Total posts: 13,748
13 Окт 2015 13:23

There are to many scenarios to hame message for each. That is why along ith section access you can ener message. So you can enter there whatever you want acording to your site context.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
13 Окт 2015 14:30

Sergey There are to many scenarios to hame message for each. That is why along ith section access you can ener message. So you can enter there whatever you want acording to your site context.

Maybe I was lost in translation ;) The issue description implied a "wrong" message for the section access. That's why I made the previous suggestions.

Anyway, I have tested the access restriction message, and the wording is o.k.


Although a red Error seems to be a bit harsh to me. An error might confuse the average user. A positive info, notice or warning might be the better choice for best user-experience.

Total posts: 13,748
29 Июнь 2016 05:04

This is how JError behaves. I use somethign liek this.

JError::raise(E_WARNING, "Text")

But it set it to error anyway. Also JError is depricated and I have to refactor anyway.

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