narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
14 Май 2015 14:25


I'd like create SQL Query to allow user to select an ID of any Cobalt record of specific Sections. So i set this, but does not work :

SELECT id FROM #__js_res_record WHERE section_id = [1,3,5]

What does External database mean ? Actually, i did not complete details related to External database, since Cobalt is running on my site.

Help please.

Последние изменения: 25 Май 2015

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
14 Май 2015 20:47

This works, you could also read this Click here to link...

FROM #__js_res_record AS r
WHERE IN (SELECT id from #__js_res_record WHERE section_id IN(1,3,5))


narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
15 Май 2015 09:27

Thanks klox7.

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
15 Май 2015 15:19

OK, i want to report a strange behavior : when i select value in frontend, this value does not appear in record, that Select field is just empty. If i make this field required, while submitting, i get message saying that the field is required even if i select a value there.

i forget something ?

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
19 Май 2015 10:20

Someone had the same issue ?

Total posts: 13,748
19 Май 2015 16:24

klox7 This works, you could also read this

It can be simplier :)

FROM #__js_res_record AS r
WHERE r.section_id IN(1,3,5)

narcis OK, i want to report a strange behavior : when i select value in frontend, this value does not appear in record, that Select field is just empty. If i make this field required, while submitting, i get message saying that the field is required even if i select a value there.

i forget something ?

Are you trying to use SQL source in select field? What is your final query?

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
20 Май 2015 15:31

I try to use sql source in multiple select field. I want user attach a record of another in his own record (like parent/child feature). I plan to buy subcription in 2 months; just want to assess some project now :+).

Total posts: 13,748
22 Май 2015 04:14

This is the query

SELECT, r.title AS text 
  FROM #__js_res_record AS r
 WHERE r.section_id IN(1,3,5)
   AND r.user_id = [USER_ID]

No in post process URL insert and enable it


Change ItemID to correct one of course.

Now you will chose articles and get their title displaied as links to those articles.

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
22 Май 2015 10:38

Thanks Sergey, this helps me.

Just one more question, actually i want to force user to attach the record of another user. So my question is : is there any sql query to select records of any user except those of current user ?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
23 Май 2015 15:47

narcis select records of any user except those of current user ?

Change the last line of the SQL to:

AND r.user_id != [USER_ID]

Newer MySQL versions can use the following operator syntax, too:

AND r.user_id <> [USER_ID]

Both mean NOT EQUAL TO.

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
25 Май 2015 12:44

Great! Thank you pepperstreet.

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