narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
07 Сен 2014 19:54

Hello there,

I'd like know if we can follow an user only (no entire section), so we could get email notifications about all events on articles created by this specific user only (item viewed, item edited, item expired... including its comments notifications).

Actually, in section parameters, i set "Personalize" to "Yes", and i turned "Allow follow users" to "Register". But when i go in frontend, in page Notifications and Follows Settings, i can see in Articles Follows tab that we can follow all unfollowed articles, even those created by users we do not follow.

Help please.

In additional, how to remove "Automatically subscribe me to every new ad" please ?

Best regards.

Последние изменения: 24 Сен 2014

Total posts: 13,748
08 Сен 2014 01:07

If you want to follow users

  1. Turn section follow off
  2. In sectyion click on user name and you will see follow user button right where follow section button was located before.

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
14 Сен 2014 13:52

Hello Sergey,

May be i forgot something, but by following any user (for instance user AAA), i do not receive neither email notification nor system notification when user AAA created a new article.

Backend settings : In event settings, under columns Notifications and Activity, i assigned "New record" to "Registered". I enabled "Send email alert" in section setting.

Frontend settings : In Notification setting, i (as user AAA) enabled all events i activated from backend; i also selected "Send alert immediately".

However, since i want we get notifications only on user that we follow, and not on entire section, i've hidden the checkbox field "Automatically subscribe me to every new ad" and the tab "Articles Follows". I should not ?

So i'm wondering what went wrong;

Help please.

In additional, all events i enabled from backend appear in notification settings from frontend, except event "Comment is edited". I assigned all event to Registered.

Best regards.

Total posts: 13,748
15 Сен 2014 01:37

narcis i do not receive neither email notification nor system notification when user AAA created a new article.

You are aware that to send emails you have to configure cron. Are you?

narcis and the tab "Articles Follows". I should not ?

Tab article follows you may keep there. Because user can quickly unsubscribe to all articles quickly there.

narcis except event "Comment is edited"

What is your comment provider?

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
15 Сен 2014 08:00


You are aware that to send emails you have to configure cron. Are you?

Yes, and i set cron in my Cpanel. I think it's fine here. Since i don't receive notification on the site, you know with the red icon, so i thought i should check out my cobalt settings.

What is your comment provider?

I selected Cobalt-Built-in Comments.


Total posts: 1,113
16 Сен 2014 05:44

narcis In additional, all events i enabled from backend appear in notification settings from frontend, except event "Comment is edited". I assigned all event to Registered.

Checcked localy, all work fine, edited comment event is appear.

Total posts: 1,113
19 Сен 2014 05:42

I can login only in backend, in frontend not. Only red screen and message.

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
19 Сен 2014 14:52


I'm testing some firewall rules. I should check your country first, sorry. Can you confirm the country where you are, so i could remove restriction ?


Total posts: 1,113
20 Сен 2014 08:19


narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
20 Сен 2014 10:00

It's done.

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
23 Сен 2014 16:42

Hello Konstantin,

Can you access to the site ?

Total posts: 1,113
24 Сен 2014 10:01

Yes, thanks. And it fixed. Will be in new release.

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