narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
27 Июнь 2014 16:37


After creating fields, i can order them by slithering them. But when i leave the page and go back again, fields are not ordered as before anymore.

And, i'd like know how translate Buttons in top of form when i post an item in frontent as Apply, Save, Save and Close... i can see them in english file, but translation does not work.

Help please.

Последние изменения: 03 Июль 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
27 Июнь 2014 20:16

Hello narcis,

1. Fields ordering

Sorry, can't recreate the issue. Works fine over here. Do you have latest Cobalt and Joomla? Any visible errors in browser Console?

2. Translation

Multi-Language? Than you have to follow the official Joomla language override method.

Extensions -> Language Manager -> Overrides

You can search for CONSTANT or the actual displayed VALUEs. i.e. search for CONSTANT CSAVE shows:

Bildschirmfoto 2014-06-27 um 21.51.32

There is another one CAPPLY :

Bildschirmfoto 2014-06-27 um 21.52.05

Remember to set Site-language filter accordingly, after that... create NEW override. Use the CONSTANTs you have found in the previous step.

Or do you need a single quick translation with other terms?

Then go to your TYPE -> General Parameters -> Templates -> Submission form -> edit "default"... scroll down to -> Button Labels

Simply change the words to your liking:

Bildschirmfoto 2014-06-27 um 21.55.00

Total posts: 13,748
29 Июнь 2014 11:04

1. Fields ordering

Do you have groups? Did you order your groups?

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
01 Июль 2014 16:21


About fields, Order is fixed now. I've no set groups at this time.

As for translation, i did not find constants as CAPPLY CSAVE ... in Override. These constants are already set in default english file and french language file, but translation does not work. When i override, it does not work at all.

Here are strings i picked up in english file : CSAVE="Save" CSAVECLOSE="Save & Close" CSAVECOPY="Save & Copy" CSAVENEW="Save & New"

Best Regards.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
01 Июль 2014 17:07

narcis i did not find constants as CAPPLY CSAVE ... in Override. These constants are already set in default english file and french language file

Do not search in Overrides ;-) YOU have to ADD them as NEW Overrides.

Headsup: It works for each language seperately. Before adding a NEW Override, you have to set the language FILTER on the left hand sidebar first. In other words, select the language -> ADD NEW override.

Also make sure, you are working on the SITE language (not the ADMIN part).

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
03 Июль 2014 10:17

Hello there,

Sorry for delay...

Pepperstreet, I've modified through template of submission form as you said, and it works now.

Thank you a lot :+)

Best regards.

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