nblgeoweb VIP
Total posts: 178
22 Июль 2014 22:01

Currently there is support for the concept of a hidden record. This is a great concept for record authors that want to make a record unavailable to the general public in cases such as a record that is not yet completed and gets past the restrictions on non-admins using publish/unpublish. Unfortunately, the record still shows up in record listings. If you try to display the full record, users (other than the author) will get an error message saying the record is hidden.

What I would like to do is have records marked as "hidden" not show up in record listing results unless the user is the author OR the user has the viewing access level set in the Section parameter "show_restricted" (labeled "Who can see restricted articles in the list").

I have accomplished this without changing the core code by writing some code in the records template which includes an indicator showing that a record is marked as hidden. The downside of doing it here is that the record count displayed with the pagination controls is wrong. Ideally this functionality should be part of the retrieval of records that is fed to the template. Does this sound like something that can be added to a future release? I think then it would complete the concept of hidden records.

Последние изменения: 28 Июль 2014

Total posts: 13,748
23 Июль 2014 02:04

There are 2 things. Publish/Unpublish and hide/Unhide. Those are difefrent. Publish is usualy used by admins and Hide by authors. When article is hidden it is not in the list. When unpublished it is in the list for those who have rights to publish it.

Anyways check show restricted records parameter in section. This paramerter allow show article in the list although user have no access to full view.

nblgeoweb VIP
Total posts: 178
23 Июль 2014 11:50

Hmmm. it looks like maybe this isn't working as expected. I had a user create a hidden record. When I log out of the site, I still see the hidden record.

nblgeoweb VIP
Total posts: 178
23 Июль 2014 12:18

I just verified this problem with the latest version out there - 8.567.

nblgeoweb VIP
Total posts: 178
23 Июль 2014 12:50

here's some more information...

I have 2 levels of users: KA_Admin and KA_Editor. KA_Editor is the parent to KA_Admin. show_restricted is set to KA_Admin. KA_Editor is allowed to submit records (and therefore also KA_Admin).

I have a record marked as hidden that is also owned by a user that is a KA_Admin. Here is the behaviour I see with various levels of user:

  • Public: record shows up in record listing (wrong), unable to edit, unable to view - shouldn't show up in listing
  • KA_Editor: record shows up in record listing (wrong), unable to edit (can if user is author - OK), unable to view (can if user is author - OK) - should show up in listing only if user is the author
  • KA_Admin: record shows up in record listing (OK), CAN edit (OK), unable to view (wrong) - should be able to view and edit

Given my restrict and submit settings, I would expect the following behaviour:

  • Public: record not listed, unable to edit, unable to view
  • KA_Editor: record not listed (unless author), unable to edit (unless author), unable to view (unless author)
  • KA_Admin: record listed, can edit, can view

Let me know if I can test any other scenarios for you or provide more details.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Июль 2014 00:42

Did you eneable hide option?


Because didden articles are not shown in the list even for author and super admin. Hidden means hidden.

nblgeoweb VIP
Total posts: 178
24 Июль 2014 13:13

Ah yes. Thanks. I was looking for that parameter. That record does indeed disappear from all record listings with that parameter turned on.

How does the author get back to that record to unhide it now though? What I was hoping was that hidden records would be visible/editable from the front-end by the author and preferably the access level defined by "show_restrict" as well.

Another way to handle it would be to have a parameter like "Change article access level on when expired". That works great for expired records. Similar functionality for hidden records may work well too unless I'm missing something else.

What I'm after is a way for an author to hide a record that they are working on until they are finished with it and want to make it available to everyone else. One option would be to change access level on the record but I was hoping to avoid that because all access levels in Joomla are shown in the list and most of my authors would be confused by which one to choose. They may also accidently choose an access level that they are not in and have to call me.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Июль 2014 14:08

nblgeoweb How does the author get back to that record to unhide it now though? What I was hoping was that hidden records would be visible/editable from the front-end by the author and preferably the access level defined by "show_restrict" as well.

You can find it in user menu.

nblgeoweb Another way to handle it would be to have a parameter like "Change article access level on when expired"

There is such parameter right under Prolong x days parameter in type.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Июль 2014 21:11

Sergey You can find it in user menu.


BTW, that extra drop-down menu is really hard to find and see. It is too far away from the first tab (which shows my records!). There is only a small "carot/arrow" icon. Easy to miss it. I understand and agree to group those items in one place, but...

A.) It should get a better default style. Most likely an ICON & TEXT like the other tabs.

  • ICON, representing articles/records/docs/pages)
  • TEXT, representing my submissions. i.e. "Created", "My Articles"

B.) Actually, it may also belong to the FIRST tab "My Homepage". This tab lists my submissions. So, the first tab is "My Created". The extra statuses like "hidden/expired/on-approval" are special views of "my created". I think those "filtered views" should be much closer to the first tab... even better: Make it a part of it?!

nblgeoweb VIP
Total posts: 178
25 Июль 2014 12:33

nblgeoweb Another way to handle it would be to have a parameter like "Change article access level on when expired"

There is such parameter right under Prolong x days parameter in type.

I was meaning a parameter similar to "Change article access level on when expired" - one designe3d for hidden records specifically. The existing parameter works great for expired records. I would like my Admins to be able to see the hidden records as well. Another similar parameter for unpublished records would complete the set (hidden, expired, unpublished) but I'm not using publish/unpublish that way for now. Basically I have many authors and I want the Admins to be able to see what hidden records authors have created.

Does the section parameter "Who can see restricted records in the list" apply to hidden, expired, and unpublished or just one/two of them?

nblgeoweb VIP
Total posts: 178
25 Июль 2014 12:53

Between Sergey and Pepper it's all coming clear - thanks a lot guys.

I agree with Pepper that the little icon in the user menu needs to be more obvious. Even an arrow icon with the word "More..." by it would be better. Multiple rows of tabs would work too since everything would be obvious but I don't know if the tab system you are using can wrap like that.

I found something in my setup that made all this difficult to see... I had "hidden" and "unpublished" turned off in the user menu so I didn't see them at all! No wonder I was so confused. Under "Markup Layout", I went in to the settings and turned on those user menu items under the "section menu" tab.

I've been doing a lot with Cobalt and diving in to every little feature lately. I'm always amazed at how much functionality there is built in to Cobalt8.

nblgeoweb VIP
Total posts: 178
25 Июль 2014 13:21

Something else just came clearer... it looks like the publish/unpublish concept is used in Cobalt to create a record approval process... create a record, turn off auto-publish, it shows up in the user menu as "On Approval" where an admin can then publish it - very nice. It's not obvious in the documentation how this works but now that I know it looks great.

Total posts: 13,748
28 Июль 2014 01:55

nblgeoweb I would like my Admins to be able to see the hidden records as well

Impossible. If user makes it hidden then it is hidden. This is control of the user. But in CObalt 9 admin will see user records.

nblgeoweb Does the section parameter "Who can see restricted records in the list" apply to hidden, expired, and unpublished or just one/two of them?

No. It is not applied to hidden.

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