Total posts: 126
20 Март 2014 23:29

In Cobolt/Depot/Integrations is UddeIM Cobalt integration (see it here) The code does not work, It opens the message window but does not autofill the record owners name. I presume it’s because it needs updating. Here is the code:

user_id && in_array(2, $this->user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()))
    echo '<a href="/.            JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=new&recip='. $item-&gt;user_id).            ">PM</a>';

}  ?>

Also in the template it looks like the attached image:


Also in the latest UddeIM FAQ pdf is some different code to integrate Cobolt and UddeIM but it doesn’t work either. After clicking the ‘PM’ link in the record I get this error – “Firefox can't find the server at component”. Here is this code:

<?php if(JComponentHelper::isEnabled('com_uddeim')):?> 
<a href="/<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=new&recip='. $item->user_id); ?>">PM</a> 
<?php endif;?>

How can I make the integration work? Thanks for your help.

Последние изменения: 25 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Март 2014 00:40

I did a quick test with latest J! and Cobalt 8.504 and 8.506 (free). Latest UddeIM. Community Integration in global config is "Cobalt". Popup menu over user names work fine. Also PM link works and opens the direct link i.e.:


The recipient field is filled with the correct username.

Or do you mean something different?

Total posts: 13,748
21 Март 2014 08:10

Somehow code insert do not work perfect and sometimes trim some part of the code.

What you have pasted as example do not much to what is there in the link you've provider.

Total posts: 126
22 Март 2014 06:56

Sergey What you have pasted as example do not much to what is there in the link you've provider.

In my first post the first block of code is identical to the 2nd block of code on the page that the link goes to (the Cobolt/UddeIM integration page). I agree there appears to be something missing – it is also missing on that page.

pepperstreet I did a quick test with latest J! and Cobalt 8.504 and 8.506 (free). Latest UddeIM. Community Integration in global config is "Cobalt". Popup menu over user names work fine. Also PM link works and opens the direct link i.e.:

index.php?<span class="keyword">option</span>=com_uddeim&task=<span class="keyword">new</span>&recip=<span class="number">265</span>

The recipient field is filled with the correct username.

Or do you mean something different?

With latest Joomla and Cobalt 8.506 (paid). Community Integration in Cobolt global config is default ‘com_cobolt’. For me when I tested with the code on the Cobolt integration page the drop down menu when user name is clicked works ok. When I click the ‘PM’ link I get a message entry window but recipient name is not filled.

When I test with the other code from UddeIM FAQ pdf I get the “component not found” error. When I hover the mouse over the PM link I can see the domain part of the url is missing. See image below:


Total posts: 13,748
24 Март 2014 07:06

This is because you have / in <a href="/&lt;?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=new&recip='. $item-&gt;user_id); ?&gt;">PM</a>. try to delete it.

WHen it works ok, post correct link here and I'll update tutorial.

Total posts: 126
25 Март 2014 06:41

Hi Sergey

I did as you said and it works ok. The 'PM' link in the record takes you to a page with the contact text entry field and recipient name is filled in the 'To' field.

The code is:

<?php if(JComponentHelper::isEnabled('com_uddeim')):?>
<a href="/<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=new&recip='. $item->user_id); ?>">PM</a>
<?php endif;?>

Thanks for your help.

There must be something wrong with this text editer because when I put the code inbetween the 'Code block' tags during edit it looks ok. But when I save it the / is put back in...??

Total posts: 13,748
25 Март 2014 07:18

Mel But when I save it the / is put back in...??

yes, this is weird.

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