Total posts: 126
30 Окт 2013 20:11

Maybe I missed it but in Section Home Order there are many ways to order the Calendar list view but how do I order it by date of event?

By this I mean to make the list show from the current date forwards?

I think this is very important for a calendar list of events. The visitor needs to know what’s coming up in the future by date order.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
31 Окт 2013 01:42

You can order by Create date. In order create date be equal to date in the field, set option affect create date. And allow access to future articles in type parameters.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
31 Окт 2013 21:16

I'm sorry Sergey but I dont understand what you mean by "set option affect create date. And allow access to future articles in type parameters." I had a good look but I cant figure out what to do.

In the date&time field, you can set override parameters. You can alter the article's create-time. And this create-time will be used for section ordering. Simply set override for create-time to ON:

Since you have article dates in the future... you have to set the respective Section parameter accordingly (it is set to special by default!), choose registered or guests:


You should also think about "expire-time"... so, past events should disappear from your list automatically. Usually this is done with "auto-expire" parameter in type. But i am not sure if this works with overridden dates!? Since the help tooltip mentions NOW+. But what is NOW in your setup? Really the overridden create-time?

(@Sergey can you clarify or confirm this...? )

Usual auto-expire in type (hence the tooltip!):

Override Create AND Expire-Time in date field (my best guess):

Set it to +1 day. This should not affect your displayed dates! It is just for auto-expiration. Otherwise events will stay in your list.

Total posts: 126
01 Нояб 2013 21:59

Thanks pepperstreet, I've got it working but it still shows expired events in list view and calendar view.

I have ‘Override record create time’ set to yes and also ‘Override record expire time’ set to yes. I have edited and save the test records so it shows the same create and expire date in admin area.

In list view I only need events for current date and also upcoming events to be visible - I do not need expired events.

However in Calendar month view (or any calendar view for that matter), I do need to have expired events showing. How can I continue to show expired events in Calendar but not in list?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
02 Нояб 2013 18:19

Restrict view for expired articles:

Section -> Properties -> Who can see expired articles -> (select ACL...)

How can I continue to show expired events in Calendar but not in list?

No way, as far as i know. Since both displays make use of the same section property, you can't have two different settings for the same parameter.

PS: I don't know the details about the Calendar/JSON background, but i think it gets and uses the section settings... Maybe this data could be altered/customized BEFORE it returns the results?! (@Sergey...?)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
02 Нояб 2013 18:40

How can I continue to show expired events in Calendar but not in list?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to work with "Records Module" and "Calendar template" as override. Which would be my personal preference for this type of calendar display. So, you would have a normal Cobalt list view + a special module position for the calendar display. Not sure if this is planned for the future.

Total posts: 126
08 Нояб 2013 19:19

I’ve been busy with other things so had to leave this for a while.

Today when I started working on it again I found the list view is working fine but article view says “This record is not yet published”. It is the same for the author as well as admin. I made sure the section setting is correct (Section -> Properties -> Who can see future articles = Public). I installed latest Cobolt 8 version but it’s still the same.

In admin backend the records all show as being published although the create and expire date are in the future.

Is there another setting I’m missing?

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
08 Нояб 2013 19:41

Is there another setting I’m missing?

One of the issues with Joomla and Cobalt is always the Time zone settings. I forgot the exact problem, but look into your global configuration and check for the offset, which is applied to your date to make it a future date.

I will check it here also later...

Total posts: 126
12 Нояб 2013 20:42

Thanks Sackgesicht I checked and the time zone is set for my city.

After much searching and wasting my time trying different things I think this is a bug.

In the image below the tool tip says it is for list view. Where is the setting for full view of the article?

Total posts: 13,748
13 Нояб 2013 00:58

That should work for full view as well.

Total posts: 126
13 Нояб 2013 03:40

I'm afraid it doesn't work for me....It works only in list view. When I try to see the article I get a page saying the article is not published yet.

Total posts: 13,748
13 Нояб 2013 23:14

Check if it is published. What is published column say in DB for _js_res_records?

Total posts: 126
14 Нояб 2013 17:44

In the published column is the number 1 for the articles.

Total posts: 13,748
15 Нояб 2013 02:55

Please post access credential once more here. I'll have a look.

18 Нояб 2013 22:29

I'm afraid it doesn't work for me....It works only in list view. When I try to see the article I get a page saying the article is not published yet.

I am also having this same problem. Has this been resolved yet?


Total posts: 1,113
20 Нояб 2013 02:00


Total posts: 126
22 Нояб 2013 21:33

By using the calendar this way expired events can no longer be seen.

How can the author have access to his expired events so he can use some information again? For example to copy a description to use for a similar event in the future?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Нояб 2013 23:19

It seems EXPIRED records can NOT BE SEEN by the author anymore?! ONLY the section menu -> My Menu has an entry with count#. If I choose "Expired (#)" i am directed to "My expired records"... But on this page view is NO USER MENU anymore!? Could be a feature-bug?

Section parameter -> Who can see expired -> SPECIAL

Does not show expired records for the AUTHOR? Is this a feature or a bug? I remember from the past, that "Special" always included the record author.

Section Menu - User Menu:

"My Menu" is only visible on section homepage. Is this the way it should be? A user might simply switch from one listing type to the other. Currently he has to click "All Records" link to get to his "My Menu". Bad UX in my opinion.

After a "MyMenu" selection... the menu is gone.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Нояб 2013 00:18

i can see my menu everywhere except my homepage. But on my homepage I can see tabs with are may menu replica.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Нояб 2013 01:04


Check Section parameters: 1.) Properties -> Who can see expired articles -> Special. Special means also AUTHOR. So, each author should see his events in the list. And can edit them or copy them etc. 2.) Section -> General -> Templates -> Markup (edit template) -> Tab Section Menu -> User Menu. By default this should be turned ON. And also have all "User Menu" options turned ON. One of them is "Expired". So, an author should see a "My Menu" above the list.


Actually, this was the behavior for expired records in Cobalts "predecessor". It seems EXPIRED records can NOT BE SEEN by the author anymore?! ONLY the section menu -> My Menu has an entry with count#. If I choose "Expired (#)" i am directed to "My expired records"... But on this page view is NO USER MENU anymore!? Could be a feature-bug? see screenshots below...

Any clue about the "Expired Records" display? I thought AUTHOR has always "special" privileges.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Нояб 2013 06:21

Yes author is special. But expired records are shown in special section not in the list of other articles.

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