Total posts: 1
02 Май 2018 12:55


WHen I try to edit a record in the backend I get the modal window but then it is impossible for me to do anything, the apply, save, cancel buttons dont work, I get a bunch of javascript errors like this: Uncaught ReferenceError: Joomla is not defined at ?option=com_cobalt&view=form&modal=1&tmpl=component&id=20:6

Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at ?option=com_cobalt&view=form&modal=1&tmpl=component&id=20:454

Though both Joomla and jQuery are defined in the page

Please help

Последние изменения: 03 Май 2018

Total posts: 13,748
03 Май 2018 07:08

Cobalt is a frontend extensio. You edit articles from frontend. If you do it from backend the modal window opens frontend anyway. Just go to frontend full view. Looks like your component.php cuts some JS from being loaded.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
03 Май 2018 16:29

Sergey ...the modal window opens frontend anyway.

New Cobalt users have to get used to the frontend management.
In the beginning they might fall back to old habits, and try to click records in the backend ;)

Maybe it should not open in a limited modal window anyway. At least it should be almost fullscreen.
What about a new window/browser tab instead?

BTW, the recent Joomla allows to share the user's session for backend & frontend!
You have to enable this feature in the Joomla core -> Global Configuration.

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