ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
20 Дек 2012 07:17


I really want to try Co8 with my existing Co7 data! :D

How to make it happenned?

Is it as simple as: - Upgrade the Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.0 - Upgrade (re-install) Co8


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Official Answer

This is very easy. There are 2 methods.

**1. Joomla Update **

a) If you simple update your Joomla from 2.5 to 3.0 then just install Cobalt 8 over and it will convert all the data.

b) Enjoy!

**2. Install new Joomla 3.0 Instance **

If you want to install completely fresh Joomla 3.0 installation then

a) Install new Joomla 3.0

b) Export Cobalt tables from Joomla 2.5 DB and import them into Joomla 3.0 DB

с) Export all users from Jomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.0

d) Install Cobalt 8

e) In administrator/components/com_cobalt/sql/updates/ find file 8.0-2012-06-17.sql

f) Replace all #__ to your DB prefix and apply this script to your DB

g) Enjoy!

20 Дек 2012 14:35

I would love for this question to be answered, thanks!

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
20 Дек 2012 21:13

Wow.. Really love it..

Can not wait to try!

Total posts: 13,748
20 Дек 2012 22:40

Please everyone who try it, report here even if it is successful.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
20 Дек 2012 23:30

If you go with method 2 -->

Just make sure you also export/import the users, since cobalt 7/8 carries the user info with every record.

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
21 Дек 2012 16:36


I did it finally using Method 1.

a. I update Joomla 3.0 using Joomla Update : Success.

b. I Installed Co8.

--> I have an error. See here:

--> And go to back end to access Sections and Types. I get errors. See here:

And actually still have another error at back-end.

Oh, why on the About page I have this:

Version 7.9657

Codename Wild torch

Support Email Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. document.getElementById('cloaka8c70cd2b888254e9efdd32db1bd3ab7').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addya8c70cd2b888254e9efdd32db1bd3ab7 = 'support' + '@'; addya8c70cd2b888254e9efdd32db1bd3ab7 = addya8c70cd2b888254e9efdd32db1bd3ab7 + 'mintjoomla' + '.' + 'com'; var addy_texta8c70cd2b888254e9efdd32db1bd3ab7 = 'support' + '@' + 'mintjoomla' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloaka8c70cd2b888254e9efdd32db1bd3ab7').innerHTML += ''+addy_texta8c70cd2b888254e9efdd32db1bd3ab7+'';

Support AngelDesk

Homepage MintJoomla

License GPL

Copyright (c) 2005-2012 MintJoomla

It's writter Co. 7.9657 But the header says Co 8.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
21 Дек 2012 18:57

Another comment for Method 2:

Copy your "uploads" folder also to the new installation.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Дек 2012 06:32

Version 7.9657

May be because update has failed? But that is important that you see version 8 there for correct future updates.

Please also check Joomla extension manager and what version it shows.

kve2702 VIP
Total posts: 133
22 Дек 2012 07:22

Обновление на Cobalt-8, в основном прошло удачно, но... Пока обнаружил, что если в имени раздела установить в списке статей шаблон forum, статьи не открываются.

kve2702 VIP
Total posts: 133
22 Дек 2012 12:55

Я все скачал новое и установил все новые поля, модули плагины и, в том числе новый forum

kve2702 VIP
Total posts: 133
22 Дек 2012 13:14

Повторно установил форум. Статьи теперь видны.

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
23 Дек 2012 22:44


It seems that I finally success updating my Co7 to Co8 using Method 1.

But, I have to edit the sql update first.

Here is my note:

  1. I have to delete this line:

**RENAME TABLE #__js_res_field_miltilevelselect TO #__js_res_field_multilevelselect; **

because I don't have multilevelselect field. It cause error for me.

  1. I have to delete this line:


inside: **ALTER TABLE #__js_res_sales **

because, in my DB i have that column already.

  1. I have to add this line:

**ADD COLUMN parent varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'com_cobalt' AFTER parent_id, **

inside: **ALTER TABLE #__js_res_record **

because, my js_res_record table does not have parent column.

  1. I compared between Install sql and update sql. To make it safe, I copy some line from Install sql.

Where to find the sql? Here:

****administrator/components/com_cobalt/sql/updates/8.0-2012-06-17.sql ****

Thanks to Sackgesicht :D

Total posts: 13,748
23 Дек 2012 23:19
  1. I have to add this line:

ADD COLUMN parent varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'com_cobalt' AFTER parent_id,

This had to be added. Did you updated Cobalt 7 to latest before update? 7.9367-....sql file has it.

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
24 Дек 2012 00:54

I use the latest. Co7.9684.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
02 Янв 2013 12:03

1 - I installed XAMMP.

2 - Updated Joomla to 3.0.

3 - Download C8 latest release

4 - Installing retrieved SQL Error 500 SQL=ALTER TABLE jvdwg_js_res_record ADD COLUMN whorepost TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER parent, ADD COLUMN repostedby TEXT NULL, ADD INDEX idx_parent (parent_id ASC);

Where can i edit the SQL File? I see lots of zips inside the main zip but don't seem to find the file i need to change.

It's like ngarasan says?

  1. I have to add this line:

ADD COLUMN parent varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'com_cobalt' AFTER parent_id,

inside: ALTER TABLE #__js_res_record

because, my js_res_record table does not have parent column.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
02 Янв 2013 12:38

I found the file and changed a sugested by ngarasan, re-zipped and uploaded and now there's another one:

SQL=ALTER TABLE jvdwg_js_res_types ADD COLUMN language char(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '*', ADD COLUMN user_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER form, ADD COLUMN asset_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER user_id;

any help ?

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
02 Янв 2013 14:23

Well i decided not to upgrade.

I unistalled Cobalt 7, then went to the database because some table were not dropped.

Installed mediapack and ip2country for C8, everything ok.

When installing C8 i got the following error:


JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: C:\xampp\htdocs\w3\components\com_cobalt

JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file

Which is strange... that folder is there and has files inside. On the root of the cobalt8 zip there's the xml file, what i'm doing wrong?

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
02 Янв 2013 14:41

I just made another successful upgrade based on Method 2.

Will write a step by step instruction how to do it tomorrow (already 4:35 am here) after the Thursday release. There are still some small issues with the included update script, which were already reported to MintJoomla, and i believe it will be incorporated in the new package.

Also the usergroups need some special attention.

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
02 Янв 2013 16:21


I have made successful update from Co7 to Co8. And actually I need to do a little modification on the update sql in the package.

Here what I have done (NOTE: Each one may have different solutions):

1. Make sure to install MultiLevelSelect Field first.

I have not used this field yet, but for the update purpose, I need to install it.

2. Download the package (I use Co8.36 package).

3. Unzip the package and go to:


4. Find this SQL file: 8.0-2012-06-17.sql

5. Do some modification by comparing to the existing tables in the website.

5.1 Change this lines:

ALTER TABLE `#__js_res_record` 

  ADD COLUMN `whorepost` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0  AFTER `parent`,

  ADD COLUMN `repostedby` TEXT NULL,

  ADD INDEX `idx_parent` (`parent_id` ASC);

To :

ALTER TABLE `#__js_res_record` ADD COLUMN `parent` varchar(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'com_cobalt' AFTER `parent_id`, ADD COLUMN `whorepost` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `parent`, ADD COLUMN `repostedby` TEXT NULL, ADD INDEX `idx_parent` (`parent_id` ASC);

--> I don't have 'parent' column in js_res_record table.

5.2 Compare the sql file to install.utf8.sql file in this package folder: pkg_cobalt.v.8.36\package\com_cobalt.v.8.118\admin\sql

And replace all sql lines consist of CREATE TABLE on 8.0-2012-06-17.sql using sql lines written on install.utf8.sql.

--> I found in this creation: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS #__js_res_audit_log, 'type_id''column created twice.

5.3 Delete this line

ALTER TABLE `#__js_res_sales` ADD COLUMN `type_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;

--> I have this column already.

6 Zip the package properly.

**7. Install the modified Package.

Note: Install it on the latest Co7 package (7.9711)**

Anyway, you will still get this message: JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file .

Hope this will help.

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
02 Янв 2013 16:24

Anyway, you will still get this message: JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file .

And I don't know why ._.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
02 Янв 2013 16:34

My problem was that the files apparently were beeing copied... but then i dropped all cobalt tables after having it uninstalled.

Then i got the XML error and decided to check if files were copied (true) and if tables were in DB (false) and the Cobalt8 link missing on administrator.

I decided to try again and guess what.. C8 installed without errors.. but missing link on admin and without any tables.

Again, install C8 and no errors but the admin link is there... no tables on DB.

So i went to the package and copied the SQL from install.utf8.sql and run on the DB... everything is fine now... but the update had run into some problems indeed.

I think i checked is that i mentioned earlier some SQL Errors like:

SQL=ALTER TABLE jvdwg_js_res_types ADD COLUMN language char(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '*', ADD COLUMN user_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER form, ADD COLUMN asset_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER user_id;

In this table the column language was already there... and i began to check all sql in the same file and apparently every change was already made, almost every columns were already changed. Don't know what could cause this errors but at least my problem is fixed. Thanks for all the help!

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