ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
24 Апр 2012 07:23


Are there any fields which is possible to show a pdf file? Let's say for kind of scribd look like website.


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
24 Апр 2012 07:33

Yes, you can use the new uploads field for it ... We are just experimenting with it and uploaded today initially 5,600 PDF files (intranet site).

See discussion here .

MintJoomla is listening to suggestions and implement them with incredible pace. The newly integrated template mode makes it even more flexible. Since 1.1 it has an option to direct display files (like PDF).

This is an absolute must-have. Highly recommended !!!!!! :D

You can find it here

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