Total posts: 13,748
21 Апр 2012 06:42

We remember this suggestions.

As you have noticed our plan is to finish basic functionality for cobalt and make it stable. Then we start making templates and integration. it is next step

17 Окт 2012 07:52

I am attempting to use Cobalt for a similar idea, but for fiction writers :)

Have a look at

The structure I implemented for now is:

Book->n Chpaters -> nScenes

I have two issues:

  1. From the "User home" menu item I would like to remove the All records button. What is the best way?

  2. Authors tend to be secretive with their work, so they might keep the book under wraps until ready. I couldn't find a way for the user to declare the book "unpublished" so it wouldn't appear in global listings. Any ideas what is the best way to do this?

  3. "templating" - what is the best way to create a record with a set of records alreay associated to it. E.g. When a writer creates a book, there would be a "prep" records that would outline a set of steps for the author to perform before writing the book. E.g. Outline, list of characters, background story etc.

Total posts: 13,748
17 Окт 2012 08:53
  1. From the "User home" menu item I would like to remove the All records button. What is the best way?

Answered in dedicated topic

  1. From the "User home" menu item I would like to remove the All records button. What is the best way?

  2. Authors tend to be secretive with their work, so they might keep the book under wraps until ready. I couldn't find a way for the user to declare the book "unpublished" so it wouldn't appear in global listings. Any ideas what is the best way to do this?

There is another parameter called Hide. Authors can hide record. Just let hide this article element to be on the form. You also have to turn Author can hide parameter in type parameters general group.

  1. From the "User home" menu item I would like to remove the All records button. What is the best way?

  2. Authors tend to be secretive with their work, so they might keep the book under wraps until ready. I couldn't find a way for the user to declare the book "unpublished" so it wouldn't appear in global listings. Any ideas what is the best way to do this?

  3. "templating" - what is the best way to create a record with a set of records alreay associated to it. E.g. When a writer creates a book, there would be a "prep" records that would outline a set of steps for the author to perform before writing the book. E.g. Outline, list of characters, background story etc.

The best approach is to create special list template and assign it in parent field parameters to display children. But what is the best way to show? To me just the UL with titles is ok something like TOC. If you make it for chapters and scenes then in parent you will see something like this

  • Chapter 1 (The begining)

  • Scene 1.1 (In the restaurant)

  • Scene 1.2 (taxi talk)

  • Chapter 2 (Home surprise)

In the Capter you can create also text fiel and allow to enter text and see scenes under that text. So it is like Chapter introduction. But for those who do not want to separate Chapters into scenes also good. They will have only chapters.

17 Окт 2012 09:18

Ul with linked titles is just fine.

I think i missed a requirement. When the book is created, the associated "prep" records must be newly created for that book, so the author could fill in the blanks...

For presentation, only a link to the list should be visible...

I understand the template suggestion. How do I create new child records automatically from a "template record" when a new parent record (e.g. "book" is created).

Another related question: out of the box, in a parent-child relationship, is it possible to display only a link to the children list?

For the "prep"' I could make a tutorial with the steps and have the writers create their own articles, but I don't want them displayed in the book's full article display as the chapters are...

Total posts: 13,748
17 Окт 2012 09:48

associated "prep" records

What is it? I completely do тещ understan what it is and what you want. What is REP?

associated "prep" records

I understand the template suggestion. How do I create new child records automatically from a "template record" when a new parent record (e.g. "book" is created).

I think you have to make this field inaccessible in the form for Registered users. Because there is no way to make it. Since chapters are binded to book, you cannot create then until book is saved.

The workflow of write will be, start book. Then add chapters. i would even hide add existing button since writes will not be able to create chapter not binded to book. So this option become useless and destructive.

For better leading you writes you may place message in the book like "Congats! You have created you book, now you can add chapters to it. note Chapters will be sorted Alphabetically. So start them with 1. 2. in order to be sorted properly" Or something like. this. You can do it in parent field output template. There you have ['total'] key to check number of children.

Another thing I would not list children int he list of books. Let the books just to show titles and not possible to add chapter unless you open book full view. Then you name more control ove layout.

17 Окт 2012 10:41

[Another thing I would not list children int he list of books. Let the books just to show titles and not possible to add chapter unless you open book full view. Then you name more control ove layout. ]

  1. Agreed. Can I do this out of the box, without having to modify templates? If yes, how do I do it?

  2. Let's assume I have another 1-n relationship on books, apart chapters, called "Notes". The child type would be the type "Notes" that only has a additional html field and back relation to the book.

Can I, out of the box, display, in the book full view only a link to the list of " Notes" children list instead of the list of children inside the book full view, as it is done for the chapters?

Total posts: 13,748
18 Окт 2012 03:07
  1. Agreed. Can I do this out of the box, without having to modify templates? If yes, how do I do it?

Every field have parameter "Show intro" and "Show full". Set show intro to NO.

  1. Agreed. Can I do this out of the box, without having to modify templates? If yes, how do I do it?

Can I, out of the box, display, in the book full view only a link to the list of " Notes" children list instead of the list of children inside the book full view, as it is done for the chapters?

I am not sure. Probably not. But modifications you need to do are minimal. Just to comment one or 2 lines.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Окт 2012 05:53

Can I, out of the box, display, in the book full view only a link to the list of " Notes" children list instead of the list of children inside the book full view, as it is done for the chapters?

Not sure if I understand your request, but isn´t it possible to set your parent-field parameters: - Show Children -> Limit children list... -> "0" - Show All Link -> in the intro -> NO - Show All Link -> in the full -> YES

(also answered in your separate topic)


What is Show All Link -> Link Type -> "As pre-filtered List / As simple list"

Total posts: 13,748
18 Окт 2012 08:13

As pre-filtered List - uses filters to list related records

As simple list - simple uses where and show only related records

This is if you do not want to discover other records. If you want users to see that there are also other articles you use filters. So user gets there and can delete filter and see whole articles.

But second option he is somehow not able to switch to all records.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Окт 2012 21:51

Example? Ok, you have a recipes. By default they are sorted by time added. User search in google and get to the recipe page. He have to see at the bottom (or top depending on template) link

More recent recise (Cutlets) Older Recipe (Noodle)

But if use was in the recipes list and reordered it let's say by time to cook.

Quicker recipe (Cutlets) Slower recipe (Noodle)

the problem is how to I get ID or the article with should be next or previous.

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