ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
09 Март 2012 10:50

Everything looks fine after update to 2nd preview.

But there is one thing that is not working. Add new tag.

  1. Adding tag from article view is OK

  2. Adding tag from submission form (for new article), by selecting suggestion tag is OK


  1. Adding NEW tag from submission form (for new article) NOT Working.

Is there any trick for this?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
21 Март 2012 09:30

Tried preview 3, still can not add tag from submission form or editing form.

Uninstall previous Cobalt and Install new Cobalt not helped..


21 Март 2012 22:54

You could have downloaded the version that wasnt corrected and doesnt have right library. The local test show that tags can be added.

Please download component again and install it over current version

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
22 Март 2012 02:25


Here is what I have done:

re-install Joomla 2.5.3

re-install Cobalt 7 (pkg_cobalt.v.7.7976_1891758988)

But I still can not add new tag from submission form or editing form.

22 Март 2012 03:53

I have just download this version pkg_cobalt.v.7.7976_1891758988 and was able to add tags. Editing of tags goes well too. It is mystic. Please check if you have media\mint folder. The main changes were in it

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
22 Март 2012 04:35

Hi, what about if you check my trial website. It's online.

Here is the link:

I have set "public" for submission, thus guest may create article. But if you need admin access, I will give you.

I created new article, and added tags. But the tags is not saved.

Thank you

22 Март 2012 05:08

Ok. I added article and tags as well. Editing of the tags can`t be done from public account. If you provide account to the administrator panel we ll look to the others articles too

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
22 Март 2012 05:26

Wow, how can you add the tags?

Did you add it from submission form? Or from article view?

Because, I can as well add tags from article view.

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22 Март 2012 06:23

Did you add it from submission form? Or from article view? I added tags from article view and from submission form. I can add tags to the old articles as well.

Perhaps there is misunderstanding the process. I ll describe process:

*Put cursor to the tag input

*Print tag

*Press 'Enter'

*Repeat if needed.

*Click 'Save&Close'

ngarasan VIP
Total posts: 181
25 Март 2012 22:23


You're right!

I need to press "Enter"

Thank you

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