wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
21 Окт 2013 03:16


As I have written in an event to the calendar and saved it

I see only a blue circle on that date.

Is it possible for me to write a text into the empty box where you see the

blue circle so that when I come in and look at the calendar, I can see directly

what event is going on.

Now you can see is the blue circle and you have to click on it to see what kind of event it is.

Are grateful for all the answers and help in this.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
21 Окт 2013 03:30


this is how the calendar works. If you have a lot of events, every event is represented by 1 circle. If the event goes over more days, every involved day gets the circle.

Check the example here

wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
21 Окт 2013 05:40

Yes but let say whe have events music cafe and our custommer wont to se that event its more

easy to se the event with the name othere calender have this so why dont you

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
21 Окт 2013 05:46

othere calender have this so why dont you

Maybe Sergey just wanted to have a calendar which is not like all the others ... :D

Total posts: 13,748
21 Окт 2013 06:09

We use calendar component from here


If it will be added there, then it will be in calendar CObalt template too.

wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
21 Окт 2013 08:25

But cant you ask them if you dont build this by your self to cobolt ?

wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
22 Окт 2013 06:22

thx do you now where this are finnish to cobolt ??

wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
27 Окт 2013 12:41

Enny news about this ?

wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
10 Фев 2014 23:17

@ sergey do you have enny news about this question yet ??

Total posts: 13,748
11 Фев 2014 07:10

We use 3DP component for calendar. WHen they implement that, then we do.

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