wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
10 Сен 2013 10:36

I wonder if anyone can help me to tell how I

can get this to work in cobalt for I am not a programmer.

First, I have a navbar that is included on all pages

Then for the items so it is in this picture

I have all the code but I do not know how I can get this to work

for it is not like the OLD resource.

I also use high slide

template I use for the website is JA_Business-Default

I am grateful for all answers and help

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
13 Сен 2013 02:03

Hi Inge,

have you read the documentation?



First, I have a navbar that is included on all pages

Is this the site's main navigation or just for the directory? I don't know what language it is, so I don't understand the functionality of that nav bar completely. Cobalt's navbar is different than yours, but you will find it will cover most of your needs and it might even be better in terms of usability. :D


First, I have a navbar that is included on all pages


Then for the items so it is in this picture

That shouldn't be a problem at all


BTW it's hard to understand what you want to achieve by providing just two pictures. A link or a screen capture of a full web page gives us more information.

Don't worry about looks or design yet, just start creating a section, type and the fields you need.

Once you've set up all the fields for a record (6 fields I think?) you can then adjust the record and list view to suit your needs.

A humble piece of advice: don't just try to remake/reproduce an old website, there's always stuff that can be improved in terms of coding, design and usability. So if the end result looks and feels a bit different than the original after the update, it might actually be a good thing!

Best regards,


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