wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
02 Сен 2013 23:11

I use Ja_travel with t3 framework to my client section now and Ja_travel dont work its lok very bad for exempel I do the gallery and that dont work.

But If i use protostar default to only gallery I Se the users toolbar and the gallery that shuld be how can I fix this ???

thx for all help

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
02 Сен 2013 23:28

Try to switch "Template Compatibility" on -- under Cobalt Configuration

wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
02 Сен 2013 23:33

solution for this are

Compare articles -- TYPE -- Form tab / Properties -- Compare articles --> Do not allow article compare

Follow section -- SECTION -- Event parameters -- Allow follow section/records

Работает на Cobalt