Total posts: 73
24 Апр 2013 04:11

Purpose: automating Cobalt articles.

Can cobalt articles be synchronised via external feed, like csv database or anything else modified separately from joomla website?

If yes, to what extent?

Can articles be added/ deleted, according to external feed?

Can fields be "edited" / e.g. changed status via csv modification and chron job?

Thank you for clarifications.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
24 Апр 2013 05:03

Unfortunately not right now.

But after we make import we will have mechanism of loading records. And then we can always adopt it to different formats like RSS, Atom or any other standard formats.

But CSV have to be importen manually since it require configuration before import. What fields to what fields to save and so on.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
24 Апр 2013 08:13

maybe using foobla ob grabber ?

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