londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
18 Окт 2013 04:58

So giving some thought to the thread with discussions about mootools I did a test install of J3.2 beta just to see:

I installed cobalt, cobalt media and the forum pack

Everything installs ok no problem

I used default everything, everywhere.

Saved cobalt config in admin

I note that mootools.core is still loaded, but mt.more isnt

all the mootools stuff is still present in media/system.js

The section page display ok, no console errors


also no console errors when I go here:


there are LOTS of these msgs:

key does't exists in JFormField

access does't exists in JFormField

published does't exists in JFormField

type_id does't exists in JFormField

fieldclass does't exists in JFormField

group_title does't exists in JFormField

group_descr does't exists in JFormField

group_id does't exists in JFormField

group_icon does't exists in JFormField

ordering does't exists in JFormField

group_order does't exists in JFormField

result does't exists in JFormField

key does't exists in JFormField

access does't exists in JFormField

published does't exists in JFormField

type_id does't exists in JFormField

fieldclass does't exists in JFormField

group_title does't exists in JFormField

group_descr does't exists in JFormField

group_id does't exists in JFormField

group_icon does't exists in JFormField

... and more

I know its J3.2-beta etc etc but...?

Последние изменения: 18 Апр 2014

Total posts: 1,113
18 Окт 2013 06:23

When will RC released we are update our projects and will test.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Окт 2013 10:17

Yep, maybe a bit too early to post 3.2 issues in the public...

since the alpha had almost no new features added. Beta1 is also very incomplete! So, it is really hard to make solid tests and recognize real issues.

Anyway, i am also very curious about this release! In particular 3.2 seems to have very important changes i.e. removing mootools relation in core. I am surprised that it is planned for this release... hopefully this will solve more issues than it will produce! ;-)

(BTW, i have the same error messages, and the gallery pack turns out in a total blank page. Something with jForm...)

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
19 Окт 2013 04:46

When will RC released we are update our projects and will test.

Thats a very valid point.

But on the other hand, there is only a week between RC and Final, and if there are joomla core changes that adversely affect cobalt and you dont involve in the beta process it becomes difficult to influence those changes, or work around them.

And that could delay your users being able to use J3.2.

And for me J3.2 has features I want to use - including no mootools.

Total posts: 13,748
21 Окт 2013 02:20

And for me J3.2 has features I want to use - including no mootools.

Cobalt will require Mootools anyway until Cobalt 9. There is no way to change this situation quickly.

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
21 Окт 2013 02:24


thats a disappointment.

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
21 Окт 2013 09:13

Cobalt will require Mootools anyway until Cobalt 9

Sergey can you confirm you talking about the front end here?

I dont mind what happens in admin. But having discussed with colleagues and client - if this is the front end too, I have to say that news is a serious disappointment.

We need to drop mootools.

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
21 Окт 2013 11:24

Let's see if J32 can manage to get rid of all dependencies


If they really manage to remove all dependencies... I really want Cobalt 8 WITHOUT mootools requirement!


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Окт 2013 12:22

Cobalt will require Mootools anyway until Cobalt 9. There is no way to change this situation quickly.

Since you call Cobalt 8 "stable" and rely on J!3, you should give this task the full priority! ;-)

I am aware of the mootools related things in Cobalt... for sure a bigger task... but also overdued, IMHO. Especially since the move to C8 and J!3.

  • dependencies on forms/submissions
  • misc fields and input helper (Uploads, Media/Gallerybox, Datepicker, AutoComplete etc.)
  • notifications (Notimoo)
  • more...?

I tried to make as many suggestions as I could for jQuery/bootstrap script replacemants. Please, follow my several forum topics. Sorry, that's all I can contribute. (I will try to make a link summary, if necessary)

Apart from obvious and basic 3.2 compatibility...

it is a priority to get a flawless and streamlined Cobalt CCK before another new Version is introduced. This would make Cobalt much more confident, reliable and professional. Not only from technical point of views and quality... also in regards of selfish reputation among Joomla users. Currently it seems to be a "patchwork", due to current J!3 framework and legacy stuff. The time has come to change it with J!3.2 > 5. And even before a C9! The chance and offer is here..., i think there is no time to loose!

o.k. you might say:

"Don't rush me" ...

"MooTools is not removed from system folder..."

"MooTools is available on demand..."

"Cobalt will work as it is in J3.2+"


BUT that is definitely the wrong way to think about Cobalt in the very,very near future. Take the chance!!! Make it the best and most compatible CCK for J!3.x.

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
21 Окт 2013 17:33

Some very good and positive points in here. I am in support of the post.

I dont know all your previous links pepperstreet, could you please make a summary as you suggest.

I'm sure its possible to do this with some thought and direction.

If its a workload issue for dev team would it be feasible to get input from capable users?

As I've said I need to see it happen, so I will step up to offer some time if it would be helpful.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Окт 2013 01:51

Since you call Cobalt 8 "stable" and rely on J!3

That is why. The changes are very big and it will lead to unstable work again. BTW Joomla was telling that mootools will be there up to 3.5 and will be totally removed on J4 as I understood it. This is how we did plan our migration to jQuery. We change all our custom JS to jQuery and only few 3d party libraries are left.

Total posts: 13,748
23 Окт 2013 00:41

Nevertheless, I think this can´t be the reason to schedule the transition until J!4.

We do not schedule it. We scheduled it for Cobalt 9 which hopefully will be out by Joomla 3.5

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
26 Окт 2013 07:56

FYI - BETA2 released

"... Extension developers are encouraged to work with this release in order to prepare extensions for the General Availability release of Joomla 3.2, though there shouldn't be any backward compatibility issues..."

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
02 Нояб 2013 01:18

installed 3.2 RC

in list view:

Strict Standards: Declaration of CobaltTableSection::_getAssetParentId() should be compatible with JTable::_getAssetParentId(JTable $table = NULL, $id = NULL) in /administrator/components/com_cobalt/tables/section.php on line 136

Strict Standards: Declaration of CobaltTableType::_getAssetParentId() should be compatible with JTable::_getAssetParentId(JTable $table = NULL, $id = NULL) in /administrator/components/com_cobalt/tables/type.php on line 198

Strict Standards: Declaration of CobaltTableCategory::_getAssetParentId() should be compatible with JTable::_getAssetParentId(JTable $table = NULL, $id = NULL) in administrator/components/com_cobalt/tables/category.php on line 15

Total posts: 13,748
05 Нояб 2013 05:51

I updated my local development to Joomla 3.2. Will see all errors along development. Those reported by you are fixed.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
07 Нояб 2013 13:52

Those reported by you are fixed.

Not really ...

Joomla 3.2 and Cobalt 8.369

Strict Standards: Declaration of CobaltTableType::_getAssetParentId() should be compatible with JTable::_getAssetParentId(JTable $table = NULL, $id = NULL) in /administrator/components/com_cobalt/tables/type.php on line 198

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
14 Нояб 2013 19:39


Not really again ...

Joomla 3.1.5 and Cobalt 8.360

Strict Standards: Declaration of CobaltTableSection::_getAssetParentId() should be compatible with JTable::_getAssetParentId($table = NULL, $id = NULL) in /administrator/components/com_cobalt/tables/section.php on line 136

Strict Standards: Declaration of CobaltTableType::_getAssetParentId() should be compatible with JTable::_getAssetParentId($table = NULL, $id = NULL) in /administrator/components/com_cobalt/tables/type.php on line 198

Strict Standards: Declaration of CobaltTableCategory::_getAssetParentId() should be compatible with JTable::_getAssetParentId($table = NULL, $id = NULL) in /administrator/components/com_cobalt/tables/category.php on line 15

Total posts: 13,748
15 Нояб 2013 02:55

You see it is vise versa error. In J3.1

JTable::_getAssetParentId($table = NULL, $id = NULL)

and in J3.2

JTable::_getAssetParentId(JTable $table = NULL, $id = NULL)

This means that error will be either in J3.1 or 3.2.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Нояб 2013 06:50

In different Joomla version parent class have different definitions. If we make it one way it will throw error on the other and vice versa.

This means that Cobalt will b\not throw errors only one Joomla 3.2

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
18 Нояб 2013 08:05

if there are joomla core changes that adversely affect cobalt and you dont involve in the beta process it becomes difficult to influence those changes

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Нояб 2013 14:56

Brian Teeman: "Joomla 3.2 - A big box of chocolates"

So true! Depends on the view... :S :(

Работает на Cobalt