londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
11 Окт 2013 11:56

So its seems to be as the subject says

I run the tool and get a screen like screenshot

Viewing modal code in firebug makes me think this screen is missing something?

anyway on clicking 'Run Tool' the page does a post to


it returns 1 sec or so later but nothing appears to have happened, either in db or anywhere. (My test data set is around 14 k entries and 2k categories)

there are no console errors

I get same result via chrome and opera

whats supposed to happen?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
14 Окт 2013 02:13

You have to see something like this

Please turn on error reporting and see what you get.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
17 Окт 2013 21:50

The index tool becomes now even more important with the introduction of the "Finder" or "Smart search" plugin.

It really needs a refactoring to be used with medium or bigger data sets.

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
18 Окт 2013 05:32

Please turn on error reporting and see what you get.

turned error_reporting to max

no relevant errors on page or in server or php logs.

no js console errors

I am running php 5.4.16 via zend server on a dedicated localhost server running fedora

I also use fedora as my desktop, but tried with 3 diff browsers so I think most unlikely its that.

I dont have a win machine here today but maybe I can try with a win machine tomorrow.

Re-index never has worked for me in 2 or 3 months I used cobalt.

I just installed a trial of J3.2-beta and it doesnt work on that either.

strange ?

re larger data sets and finder:

a cli (or some cron-able) option would also be helpful

Total posts: 13,748
21 Окт 2013 00:58

I tried CLI but half of Joomla API does not work there. It is very hard to create script there.

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
21 Окт 2013 03:01

I tried CLI but half of Joomla API does not work there. It is very hard to create script there.

I think it fair to say that not all of the of the api is required to run a job which basically is only going to manipulate the database.

And in my own experience at least the half which does database work is perfectly useable.

But anyway

And about the overall problem with re-index:

My localhost dev server run PHP 5.4 under Zend Server

I just tried a test site on a server with PHP 5.3 and it works fine

So maybe its a php 5.4 problem? But as I said I dont see any errors?

I will try and run it thru debugger if I get a minute later on

Total posts: 13,748
21 Окт 2013 06:23

What is your PHP 5.4 error reporting parameters? Those like startup_errors for example.

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
22 Окт 2013 04:14

OK I found it.

It is a PHP 5.4 thing - call-time pass by reference has been deprecated a long time and has now been dropped in 5.4

But you still have c-t-p-b-r in admin/components/com_cobalt/models/tools.php

In getToolForm the call to the event dispatcher call to onToolGetForm is like this:

    public function getToolForm()



        $dispatcher->trigger( 'onToolGetForm', array('com_cobalt.tools', &$form, $name, $id));

but because call-time pass by ref doesnt work anymore, when event dispatcher returns the $form variable is still empty string

If change fucntion def onToolGetForm in the toolset plugin and make $form by-ref it will fix this issue

    public function onToolGetForm($context, &$form, $name, $id)


But I dont know what it might break.

And maybe its better to use return $result; from dispatcher?

anyway the fix is up to you, but thats the reason.

(I dont know why I wasnt seeing any error at all for this.

It was just dropped silently which seems wrong. Maybe thats a php bug?)

Total posts: 13,748
23 Окт 2013 00:38

Good. Fix applied. It should not break anything.

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