londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
12 Авг 2013 10:50

Is there any built in validation for the fields?

Can the filter radius distance be set to miles?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
13 Авг 2013 01:21

Is there any built in validation for the fields?

There are a lot of different validations in this field. What validation in particular you what to be there?

Is there any built in validation for the fields?

Can the filter radius distance be set to miles?

No. There is no such a parameter.

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
13 Авг 2013 02:41

re validation: the usual stuff really - tel number is digits and spaces only, url format, postcode format, no weird stuff in name or address fields etc

I think the option to set a regex against fields (same as the text field etc) would be good

re: radius distance: what is a km anyway? :-)

quite a lot of the world uses miles. I suppose it would be quite easy to put a switch on this.

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
13 Авг 2013 03:41

sorry: url is already validated

Total posts: 13,748
13 Авг 2013 06:44

There is REGEX validation for contact information field. Also for URLs as you have already noticed. But no validation no address fields I think.

I added this article to docs


londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
13 Авг 2013 08:39

thanks for update

ok with the regex for additional fields

I must validate phone and postcode for new entry to specific patterns.

no problem, I expect I can do it with a bit of js

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