londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
31 Июль 2013 15:56

I got bored squinting to see the label icons while setting up new fields.

so here is a little mod that puts them in an alphabetical list along with the filename

its a quick fix but maybe its helpful to somebody else

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
01 Авг 2013 02:51

Good job! :)

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
01 Авг 2013 03:14

happy to help :D

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
01 Авг 2013 19:58

Some future suggestion:

Maybe the icon selection should happen in a popup-style i.e. Bootstrap popover? Modal?

Also would appreciate Icon webfont usage. Maybe Joomla JUI Icomoon, FontAwesome.

Total posts: 13,748
02 Авг 2013 08:23

Maybe Joomla JUI Icomoon, FontAwesome.

This is subject for big talk :)

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
04 Авг 2013 10:13

What about using an image sprite instead of separate mini icons?

It would reduce the amount of HTML-requests.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Авг 2013 22:36

What about using an image sprite instead of separate mini icons?

It would reduce the amount of HTML-requests.

This is very questionable. What if someone needs another custom icon? How one can add it to sprite? Sprite is goot on private projects. For example here on angedesk all images is a part of sprite. But on public projects where people might want to use it differently, sprite is not good to me.

Another good example is Bootstrap. It had sprite icons and who had ever used it? People used fonawesome and othrs because there they can chose their variety of icons.

But that is MHO of course.

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
05 Авг 2013 20:18


This is very questionable. What if someone needs another custom icon? How one can add it to sprite?

These are very good questions! (I have exactly the same questions for customizing Cobalt in general.) Apparently Photoshopping to me is as easy as templating for you guys

About if someone needs another custom icon: I have been wrestling for a couple of days now just to change ALL the default icons because they just don't match the design of my project.:(

Frankly, I can't find an easy way of doing it, because a lot of them are embedded in the source and not in a template.

IMHO the current icons are a bit outdated and force a typical Cobalt signature to your website.

Here is the thing, I'm better in doing stuff with images than with php and with free online tools for creating sprites, it is really not that difficult anymore. It just takes some amount of time and work. Just like customizing Cobalt. But of course that's from my perspective. So I can live with having no sprites initially.

But I can't help myself reading posts on this forum about optimizing and speeding Cobalt. Especially about reducing MySQL queries. What about reducing HTML-requests?. On a single record view there are at least 10 icon's uploaded which IMHO are 10 too many. Put them in a sprite and allow users to upload individual icon's or replace the icon with Bootstrap syntax ( )

I wrote on a Komento forum the other day that I spend >70% of a project's time customizing components code and css just too give them a uniform look, feel and user experience. This is one of the reasons I started using a CCK instead of too many components.

I can see there's still some work ahead for Cobalt to become the most flexible CCK with the least visible signature (in the front end). But hey, I am glad I have found it :)

Best regards,


Total posts: 13,748
06 Авг 2013 01:31

I understand, but switching sprite right now is impossible anyway :)

Total posts: 13,748
06 Авг 2013 05:46

s Angeldesk available for Joomla users as a component or service?

AngelDesk is a service and it is not Joomla component. It is standalone application.

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
06 Авг 2013 07:01

Apart from overriding each and everything with CSS

whats css? :D

Apart from overriding each and everything with CSS

there could be something like a "custom path to icons"

Apart from overriding each and everything with CSS

there could be something like a "custom path to icons"

Could expresses an idea or an option without imposing one's judgment of what is "right"

Apart from overriding each and everything with CSS

there could be something like a "custom path to icons"

Could expresses an idea or an option without imposing one's judgment of what is "right"

Should expresses one's opinion on an action to take: advice, a strong suggestion

so there SHOULD be something like a "custom path to icons"


londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
06 Авг 2013 14:50

Sorry, but I wasnt trying to offer an english lesson, just a smartass quip to backup the request for the config option - in my naturally rude english manner :D

Und ich bin sicher, Ihr Englisch ist viel besser als mein Deutsch (danke Google Translate)

Total posts: 13,748
07 Авг 2013 09:53

Inform you that Even if add path to icons not in Cobalt 8 anyway :(

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
13 Авг 2013 18:06

FYI - topic about icon webfont selector in backend


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