nican VIP
Total posts: 392
16 Янв 2017 10:44

Hi, for every subscription on my site I have made a copy with a special price.

I sell these discounted subscriptions as one time offers, but don't want users to be able to purchase them again (for example upon renewing their subscription).

For now I have set these discounted subscriptions as INVISIBLE and INVISIBLE IN HISTORY

is this enough?

One doubt I have is that if the subscription si invisible in user history than the user cannot check that he has indeed purchases a subscription, am I right? For the user there would be no visible record of his purchase.

Thank you

Последние изменения: 17 Янв 2017

Total posts: 13,748
17 Янв 2017 03:25

There are 2 ways to go.

  1. Every plan has discount parameter. this is discount that will be given first time they subscribe this plan. Next time they will have to pay full amount. SO you will need only one plan.
  2. If you go with 2 plans, then set Purchase limit per user parameter to 1. It will automaticaly hide this subscriptionafter once purchased. In addition you can add this plan as required in your second regular plan in cross plan section. This way new regular plan will not be shown untill user pay this one time plan.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
17 Янв 2017 15:02

Every plan has discount parameter. this is discount that will be given first time they subscribe this plan. Next time they will have to pay full amount. SO you will need only one plan.

I know, but my one time offer has to last only 24 hours, there is a timer too, so I definitely need to plans for this. NOt every user buy the discounted plans within the 24 hours.

If you go with 2 plans, then set Purchase limit per user parameter to 1.

this should do the trick. I was just worried that upon renewing a subscription the user would be able to pucrhase the discounted plan again instead that the regular one.

Thank you!

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