nican VIP
Total posts: 392
26 Дек 2016 18:10

Hi, when a user uses the Paypal payment gateway he is redirected on Paypal and, if he doesn't have a Paypal account, he's requested to insert his full address.

I was wondering if this is something we can control through Emerald, I don't need users address and don't want to ask them for it. In Emerald Paypal Gateway I see the setting "Shipping address"


the text box is empty in all my subscriptions, there is nothing to select there (tried both on Chrome and Firefox), I dont' understand if this has something to do with what I am talking about. note: Invoicing is disabled in Emerald.

thank you

Последние изменения: 27 Дек 2016

Total posts: 13,748
27 Дек 2016 07:53

Somehow it is also empty for me. But if I click on it it shows selecions.


And by default it is set to "Do not require shipping address"

Perhaps this is some PayPal requirement to enter Billing address for unregistered PayPal customers.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
27 Дек 2016 11:09

Somehow it is also empty for me. But if I click on it it shows selecions.

I found the issue, is the btn-group class associated to this element in my site template (Rockettheme Myriad) I have a bootstrap override font-size: 0;

not sure why, but that's the problem

anyway I can edit in Chrome console to see the options and which one is selected, you are right is always "do not prompt for an address"

Thank you!

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