Total posts: 13,748
29 Дек 2015 08:46

This one looks like one of the Russian payment gateways. Why would you want to have this?

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
29 Дек 2015 17:45

Well, I have been using them for years now and never had a problem, they can handle both credit card and wire transfers payments as well as some cryptocurrencis which may come in hady in this unstable times :-)

only issue, they donìt seem to handl epaypal payments as 2checkout does

Total posts: 13,748
29 Дек 2015 19:03

They can pay off with PayPal as I can see. I looked at integration guide. Looks not complicated. ready to sponsor?

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
30 Дек 2015 12:27

Sergey ready to sponsor?

Not yet! I need to check if it can be available also for Hikashop which I will be using soon to purchase in some cases

Also, I may want to give a second chance to 2checkout before switching to Okpay completely

But thanks for taking the time of gving a look to their integration guide

Total posts: 13,748
05 Янв 2016 06:55

What problems do you have with 2Checkout?

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
05 Янв 2016 13:40

Sergey What problems do you have with 2Checkout?

The first time I applied they refused my application because I was selling renewable subscriptions on my site. They said that their policy didin't allow those kind of subscriptions.

I'll try to apply again with them, maybe they changed their policy in the last year.

Total posts: 13,748
05 Янв 2016 18:07

What do you mean renewwable? They have Emerald in app list. SO basicaly you can do what Emerald does.

There is no full technical suport for automatic recharge of subscriptions. Mey be that is what they ment. What is "renewable subscriptions"?

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
07 Янв 2016 11:34

I investigated with them, the first time they weren't clear why refusing my application, now I understand it was because of my products topic, which is guided meditations and self-empowerment online courses, they don't like this kind of stuff apparently :-(

Total posts: 13,748
12 Янв 2016 10:02

nican they don't like this kind of stuff apparently :-(

Once you get an account, they do not check what you sell. So say you are going to sell online courses and trainings. That is it.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
12 Янв 2016 15:16

Sergey Once you get an account, they do not check what you sell. So say you are going to sell online courses and trainings.

I wish it was that easy! I had to declare the site domain, they checked it and refused my application. The same hing happened with Skrill and even OkPay.

I had no idea guided meditation and self-empowerment courses were considered dangerous categories :-O

I have been able to find a couple of platforms that accept my site though: and

I'll let you know when I need you to work for the integration

Thank Sergey!

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
12 Янв 2016 15:39

BTW, Payza it's a pretty big service (it has now absorbed also AlertPay) you may want to take a look at their integration guide at least to understa if the integration with emerald is possible:


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