nican VIP
Total posts: 392
07 Дек 2015 11:57

Hello, I tried to activate the success alert in my subscription settings, and I pasted in the html field some code, (it contains both css and html code).

when I try to save the subscription I see a browser message saying that the page has unsaved settings and asking if I really want to leave the page.

If I go on and leave it, my changes are not being saved.

If I try to save the subscription leaving the html field for the success alert empty, the subscription is being save normally.

I attach the code I am using for this succes alert so you can test, I am using the same code for acymailing with no issues.

Thank you


Total posts: 13,748
07 Дек 2015 14:29

I have tryed to use your code and I can save plan without an issue but it trims some CSS and clean some HTML. That is done by editor. I think if you set your editor to none, you can insert your HTML markup without an issue.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
07 Дек 2015 14:45

I made it! it must be some kind of conflict on my website because I get the same error on\n\nsaving joomla articles too form time to time.


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