nican VIP
Total posts: 392
24 Нояб 2015 16:28

Hello, I created a subscription with a restriction for a Joomla category, but I can still access the category and its articles (I am NOT logged in frontend as superadmin, just browsing the site as a visitor would do)

Restriction settings

emerald - restrictions

Последние изменения: 05 Март 2016

Total posts: 13,748
25 Нояб 2015 14:58

I tested localy and it works for me. And I cannot login to backend. It say I have no access.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
25 Нояб 2015 16:05

Please try again to login, I have changed the support password and updated it in this topic

Also to test on my site see "additional instructions" in private tab


Total posts: 13,748
26 Нояб 2015 07:02

none of the Emerald plugins was eneabled. I have enabled Restricter and now it should work just fine.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
26 Нояб 2015 14:30

Sergey none of the Emerald plugins was eneabled. I have enabled Restricter and now it should work just fine.

I see, sorry about that. This was a fresh installation and I thought the plugins were being enabled by default.

I have still some issues though:

In both cases (accessing the category page and the category's articles)

I was expecting to be redirected to the custom text I have inserted when creating this subscription I inserted tis custom text in: restriction rule > field "restriction message"

Total posts: 13,748
29 Нояб 2015 07:45

nican * I can still access the category page :

  • when I click on an article of this category to access it, I am redirected to the subscription purchase page with an error message "Login to access this page"

Rescription of category means only restriction of articles in that category. You will still see those articles in the list. 2 reasons. First it is hard to affect Joomla articles select SQL query to exclude protected articles. Second it is good to see articles in the list. User can see beforehead what is theer on the site that will be available for him.

nican I was expecting to be redirected to the custom text I have inserted when creating this subscription I inserted tis custom text in: restriction rule > field "restriction message"

This message is visible when you are redirected to plan selector page.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
29 Нояб 2015 09:20

Sergey Second it is good to see articles in the list. User can see beforehead what is theer on the site that will be available for him.

I agree, at least in some cases.

Sergey This message is visible when you are redirected to plan selector page.ot a big issue anyway.

I don't see the message, I am just redirected to plain selector page directly. IMHO this is not good in terms of usability.

The user doesn't clearly understand he has to purchase a subscription to access those contents, he's redirected to the purchase page without any message in between.

Wouldn't it be more user friendly if the user could see anice formatted message instead of the article, with a nice button to invite him to purchase a subscription?

As a workaround, I tried to use the [PAID] tags, sorrounding all of the article text in these tags, this breaks the article alyout when I open it. If I sorround just the first paragraph with the [PAID] tags, they work and I see my custom message instead of that paragraph.

Are the [PAID] tags supposed to work only for one paragraph at a time?

Total posts: 13,748
30 Нояб 2015 03:51

nican I don't see the message, I am just redirected to plain selector page directly. IMHO this is not good in terms of usability.

You should see this as system message. So if your template has no system message output you will not see it.

nican Are the [PAID] tags supposed to work only for one paragraph at a time?

Yes it is. It is for simple message. If you want to show formatted message for unpid customers, use [UNPAID]. This will show embraced content to user hwo has no subscription.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
30 Нояб 2015 09:09

Sergey You should see this as system message. So if your template has no system message output you will not see it.

I do see a system message, but it's not the custom text I entered in restriction rule > field "restriction message"

the message I see it's generic and in english would sound like "Login to access this page"


while the custom message I want to show it's specific for this subscription

Sergey If you want to show formatted message for unpid customers, use [UNPAID]. This will show embraced content to user hwo has no subscription.

Sorry Sergey, I am a bit confused on how to use the [UNPAID]tag. Since this category is restricted by Emerald, even if I insert some text inside an article like this [UNPAID]unpaid text [/UNPAID] when I try to visit the article I am still redirected to pucrhased a subscription

So what would be the procedure to:

1 - restrict category

2- enable users to open the article and see only the text [UNPAID]unpaid text [/UNPAID]


Total posts: 13,748
07 Дек 2015 13:30

nican the message I see it's generic and in english would sound like "Login to access this page"


nican Sorry Sergey, I am a bit confused on how to use the [UNPAID]tag. Since this category is restricted by Emerald, even if I insert some text inside an article like this [UNPAID]unpaid text [/UNPAID] when I try to visit the article I am still redirected to pucrhased a subscription

So what would be the procedure to:

1 - restrict category

2- enable users to open the article and see only the text [UNPAID]unpaid text [/UNPAID]

In this case you do not restrict category. You insert into article 2 texts one is [UNPAID]unpaid text [/UNPAID] for those who has no subscription an one is [PAID] for those who subscribed. but no category restrictions.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
07 Дек 2015 14:26


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