nican VIP
Total posts: 392
17 Март 2014 18:21

Hello, currently the acymailing action allow to subscribe a user to a list, and to remove the user from that list when his subscription expire

I'd suggest to add also the option, while subscribing the user to a list to remove also him from another list (if he's subscribed)

that would be very useful when using follow-up email campaigns:


when a user subscribes to my FREE subscription I automatically subscribe him to an acymailing list set to send out emails automatically at certain intervals. These mails are designed to make the user upgrade to a PRO subscription, by giving him coupon codes, talking about the added features he will be able to access and so on.

If this user at last decides to upgrade and purchases a PRO subscription, here is where the acymailing action improvement I suggested will come in handy: infact when the user upgrades I am now able to remove him from the FREE USERS acymailing list (while he still have a FREE emerald subscription active, as in many cases we don't want to deactivate the free subscription when the user upgrades) and sign him up to a PRO USERS acymailing list.

Infact when the user upgrades I don't want him to receive any more "upgrade now" emails or coupon codes.

Последние изменения: 18 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2014 03:58

What you can do is simply sed lpan deactivation in cross plan section. Set deactivate FREE plan in PRO plan.

As soon as user gets PRO plan, FREE is deactivated and user is removed from the list.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
18 Март 2014 11:05

Sergey What you can do is simply sed lpan deactivation in cross plan section. Set deactivate FREE plan in PRO plan.

As soon as user gets PRO plan, FREE is deactivated and user is removed from the list.

Sorry, I think I explained myself not very clearly.

In my case I need something more complicated: because I want users to be subscribed to FREE list when they activate a FREE subscription then they buy a PRO subscription, and get subscribed to PRO list and removed from FREE list

then if their PRO subscription expires, they get again subscribed to FREE list automatically

this last action it's not currently possible with emerald

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2014 11:47

I added to next version of Acymailing action.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
18 Март 2014 15:48

thank you!

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