nican VIP
Total posts: 392
14 Март 2014 11:41

I set "change user group" action for some subscriptions, this should move the user form group A to goup B

but it may occurs that a user who is purchasing a subscription is already in group B, will this cause problems/conflicts?

thank you

Последние изменения: 17 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
17 Март 2014 05:14

No problems or conflicts.

It is very smart action. It even take in account another plans. Foe example there is a Plan A and B and both more user to group A. User have purchased plan A and later plan B. Now plan A is expiring and we have to remove user from group A. But since he still have Plan B it will not.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
17 Март 2014 08:40


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