nican VIP
Total posts: 392
13 Март 2014 17:59

I want to hide the "invoice" download button to users in their subscriptions history page, order page and so on

in other words I want to be able to download their invoice from the admin panel, but the user must not be able to dowload or see it

if 2 different templates file where being used to generate the "sales list" in the admin panel and the "subscriptions history" list on the user end

then I could comment out some code in the template used for the user

but... it is so? or the same template file is being used for both views?

thank you

Последние изменения: 11 Июль 2015

Total posts: 13,748
14 Март 2014 06:36

Those are different template. The one that see user is views/emhistory/tmpl/defauld.php and admin see template in emsales view.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
14 Март 2014 11:22

thank you, I think it would be a nice addon to the admin panel to have the possibility to set a different template for the various views, so in cases of heavy customization the templates are not being overwritten when installing a new Emerald version.

Total posts: 13,748
17 Март 2014 05:15

You can use override templates in Joomla tempalte overrides.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
17 Март 2014 08:40

Sergey You can use override templates in Joomla tempalte overrides.

right! I hadn't thought of that... so I need to create a com_emerald folder in mytemplate/html folder and place there the templates file to override?

or I need to repeat the exact folder structure of emerald component?

like eg


Total posts: 13,748
17 Март 2014 10:39

Exact path but without folder views and tmpl. So this


will become this


klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
09 Июнь 2015 09:23

I tried to override emhistory template because I want to remove "Pay subscription" button but it doesn't take override template.

Total posts: 13,748
10 Июнь 2015 11:07

Make sure you have all path correct. Please make screenshot of override file so I can see full path.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
10 Июнь 2015 12:27

This is my path templates/mytemplatea/html/com_emerald/emhistory/default.php

Sergey Please make screenshot of override file so I can see full path.

I don't understand this.

Total posts: 13,748
11 Июнь 2015 05:05

I am not sure why it is not working. Look I created file like this


and then when I open hisroty I get


Everything is working just fine to me.

PLease check everything is spelled correctly. And you created in right template and in a right Joomla instance.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
15 Июнь 2015 17:57

I can't figure it out. I have 3 overrides, for bill, history and invoice. Invoice is working fine but bill and history not.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Июнь 2015 05:31

Can you give access to your site?

Total posts: 13,748
17 Июнь 2015 06:26

This is what I get

Login denied! Your account has either been blocked or you have not activated it yet.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
17 Июнь 2015 08:49

I forgot to enable user, try now...

Total posts: 13,748
17 Июнь 2015 14:43

When I go to subscription history I see very weird page


looks like error in your template overrite. Actualy it is part of invoice template, I do not know why it is in history.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Июнь 2015 15:16

klox7 Would you concider to add IBAN and SWIFT number in admin invoice configuration?

Why do you need SWIFT of your customers? Or you what yours in bill?

Basicaly offline plugin was developed to work like so. You enter email message. In that message you place all information that is required. Details for wire transfer, for WesternUnion type transferes, and so on. Then user hase all that information.

But I understand what you mean. After offline subscription was created, user open bill, print it and it has everything.

As for now I would simply create override for bill template and added there all information that is needed. This is template location views/embill/tmpl/default.php.

klox7 Sometimes also "exclude countries" would be useful in invocie configuration in addition to limit countries.

May I add it to Emerald 10? I would not like to messup with Emerald 9 stability.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
18 Июнь 2015 20:27

Sergey As for now I would simply create override for bill template and added there all information that is needed. This is template location views/embill/tmpl/default.php.

Yes of course I created template ovveride. I needed that option (as you said you print bill and you have everything there, same for invoice) so I figured somebody else also will.

Sergey May I add it to Emerald 10? I would not like to messup with Emerald 9 stability.

Hey, you are developer. You must decide what's best for your product and people using it because you know the product the most.

Total posts: 13,748
19 Июнь 2015 04:42

klox7 Hey, you are developer. You must decide what's best for your product and people using it because you know the product the most.

That is true. ut sometimes people are desperate, and I have to do something right away because they have no time to wait. Anyway, I'll see what I can do. May be even attach bill to email that is sent through offline gateway.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
19 Июнь 2015 07:40

Sergey May be even attach bill to email that is sent through offline gateway.


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
11 Июль 2015 02:10

Sergey May be even attach bill to email that is sent through offline gateway.

+1 ;)

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