nican VIP
Total posts: 392
12 Март 2014 14:01

Hello, I understood the 2 options to set start date of a subscription.

I am selling yearly subscriptions so I think it's good to attach next subscription to the previous one...

... but what if a user's subscription expires and he purchase a new one after several months, in this case the start date will still be set based on the end date of the user's previous subscription? Or Emerald is smart enough to understand that in a case like this the new subscription start date must be set to the payment date instead?

thank you

Последние изменения: 13 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
13 Март 2014 06:20

oloccina in this case the start date will still be set based on the end date of the user's previous subscription?

No. It will start from the day of purchase.

oloccina Or Emerald is smart enough


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