I am not sure if this is already possible, but after investgating emerald option I think not
there is of course the possibility to display a field content only if the user or the record author
does have a certain subscription
but I can'f find an option to HIDE a field content if the visitor or the record author has a certain subscription
why this would be useful?
for example to display ads inside the records, and if you don't want to see them than you
have to purchase a subscription, or also to display a "record field" displaying other users records
below an author full record, and if the author doesn't want this records field to be displaied than he has
to purchase a subscription
am I missing something and this is already possible?
thank you
I am not sure if this is already possible, but after investgating emerald option I think not
there is of course the possibility to display a field content only if the user or the record author does have a certain subscription
but I can'f find an option to HIDE a field content if the visitor or the record author has a certain subscription
why this would be useful?
for example to display ads inside the records, and if you don't want to see them than you have to purchase a subscription, or also to display a "record field" displaying other users records below an author full record, and if the author doesn't want this records field to be displaied than he has to purchase a subscription
am I missing something and this is already possible?
thank you