nican VIP
Total posts: 392
24 Окт 2015 17:03

Hello, I just noticed that for 2 of my types, whenever I paste text in an html or textarea field and try to save I receive this error

You don't have permission to access /component/cobalt/modifica/589-fisiologia-delle-fiamme-gemelle on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

At first I thought it could depend on the html editor, but I tried to switch to "No editor" in the html field settings and I still get that error

If I just type in the field, or I paste just a few words (3-4) the record is being saved normally. This is really strange, I've never seen something like this before.

I also checked the html field settings and everything seems ok, I haven't changed anything there and it was working normally until one of my users notified me he had troubles and I investigated the issue.

To reproduce the error:

1 - Login:

2 - Create a new record: (choose the first or the second option int he dropdown menu - "articolo" or "citazione")

3 - Try to paste some text in the html field and try to save

in backend:

articolo: this type ID: 1 - this html field ID: 2

citazione: this type ID: 3 - this textarea field ID: 3

Thank you

Последние изменения: 28 Окт 2015

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
24 Окт 2015 17:22

I tested a bit more, and in some cases the record is being saved, in some other not... it's not just the number of words I try to paste inside the html field.

ANyway I attach also the text I am trying to paste for you to test and reproduce the issue, as with that text in all my tests I always get the error on save.

fisiologia fiamme gemelle code

Total posts: 13,748
26 Окт 2015 08:52

Looks like th problem is none UTF-8 charckters. Here is how your test looks like when I see it in browser with UTF8 encoding


I am sure the same problem is with import.

Make sure you work with UTF8 ONLY.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
26 Окт 2015 11:42

Sergey Looks like th problem is none UTF-8 charckters. > Sergey

I am not convinced. I opened the html code in notedpad and saved as UTF-8 enconding: same issue. What my users ofetn do is copy text from word or another website and then paste it in the html field, when they save they almost everytime have the same issue I am reproducing.

This is the html code saved with UTF-8 encoding

fisiologia fiamme gemelle code - utf8

Total posts: 13,748
27 Окт 2015 12:31

Now I do not see any error, but it does not save. This is strange. The same text is saved here locally. Perhaps this is some server problem. I cannot tell.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
27 Окт 2015 18:38

Sergey Perhaps this is some server problem

Mmmm... but joomla articles are being saved normally. I can paste there any kind of text, encoded in any format and the html editor save them. Easysocial activity contents, and komento comments, are working normally.

If it's a server issue, it should at least affect the joomla article as there I use the same html editor...

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
28 Окт 2015 07:32

Today I did a couple of more tests and now the records are being saved normally, except for this text

fisiologia fiamme gemelle code

still strange... but this is not an issue at all, as soon as everything works as it should

let's see how it goes in the next days, I don't want to keep you prisoner on this topic :-)

Total posts: 13,748
28 Окт 2015 09:39

Tryt o play with HTML filter parameters of HTML field. If anything strange happens, it might be there.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
28 Окт 2015 12:01

Sergey Tryt o play with HTML filter parameters of HTML field.>


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