nican VIP
Total posts: 392
16 Июнь 2014 08:13

Hello, I have to change category (but still same section) for several records, so I tried to do it via phpmyadmin to save time. I found the category column in the res_record table, but when I do inline edit for a record that particulra cell (record category) is not clickable/editable. Is this normal?

thank you


Total posts: 13,748
16 Июнь 2014 10:34

It is a simple text field. Should be editable.

But note this is not a connection data. It is only categories saved to be displaied with the record whithout quering DB. Readll connection is in js_res_record_category.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
16 Июнь 2014 13:33

is it possible that in table js_res_record_category the records that are published in the section root are not visible?

Total posts: 13,748
16 Июнь 2014 23:15

See section parameters group Section home

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