nican VIP
Total posts: 392
06 Май 2014 09:39

Hello, I have issue witha GEO field installed on one of my sites

Joomla 3.2.3 Cobalt 8.540

the issues are the following: when I insert a city in the "city" field nothing happens (no dropdown suggestions from google) when I insert an address and click "marker from the address" I receive a very generic error message

could be a problem with google APIs? in cobalt configuration I have inserted nothing in Google map API key field, but this is true also for many other sites I manage and I have no problem at all on them

In the chrome console I see these errors

event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) …nvia%2F3-eventi%2F8-evento%23tab-7&5e1&callback=_xdc_._kvrx5r&token=113598

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) …u5&4sit&5e0&6sm%40255000000&7b0&8e0&9b0&callback=_xdc_._iv25lv&token=93863

GET %3A%2…2F8-evento%23tab-7&4e1&5e0&6u1&7sv07uqs&callback=_xdc_._6n6sp4&token=22661 403 (Forbidden) rocket.js:4

thank you,

Последние изменения: 08 Май 2014

Total posts: 13,748
07 Май 2014 05:10

Do you think it is possible you have reached the limits?

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
07 Май 2014 09:36

Sergey Do you think it is possible you have reached the limits?

not even close, I have 40 visitors per day on this site, and just a few of them see the maps

Total posts: 13,748
08 Май 2014 10:59

Then I simply have no idea what could be reason, Google fobid your requests. May be your IP is blocked?

Anyway by url you gave me in FF I can do everything without errors.

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