nican VIP
Total posts: 392
29 Март 2014 13:30

autocomplete field: when the user cannot add a custom value the field doesnot register any custom value the user may try to insert, but it would be useful to display a tooltip to the user when he try to add a custom value explaining that he cannot do it

autocomplete template (advanced serach filter): when the user type a value which does not exist in the db the field does not display suggestions and does not register the value, but it would be useful to display a tooltip to the user when he try to type a nn existing value explaining that there are no records with that value

thak you

Последние изменения: 01 Апр 2014

Total posts: 13,748
31 Март 2014 07:18

oloccina autocomplete template (advanced serach filter): when the user type a value which does not exist in the db the field does not display suggestions and does not register the value, but it would be useful to display a tooltip to the user when he try to type a nn existing value explaining that there are no records with that value

I thought it is already clear when you do not see any suggestion. It tells that there are nothing found that coresponds to typed in text.

oloccina autocomplete field: when the user cannot add a custom value the field doesnot register any custom value the user may try to insert, but it would be useful to display a tooltip to the user when he try to add a custom value explaining that he cannot do it

Cannot add it. This is 3D party Javascript that I cannot hack or I'll not be able to update it later.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
31 Март 2014 08:57

Sergey I thought it is already clear when you do not see any suggestion. It tells that there are nothing found that coresponds to typed in text.

I have a site with about 500 users submitting records which have this field, I can tell you the main issues the new users almost always have (note that my users this are usually persons not very skillful with pc and sofwtare stuff), maybe this can help you improve the field in the future

usually the user see the "+" sign in the field and try to click it before trying to type anything, they do not understand that there is something to type in first, they think that by clicking th "+" sign something will happen

when an autocomplete field has no possibility to add custom value many users don't understand it, they try and try to type a custom value and don't understand why they get an error when trying to submit the form

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
01 Апр 2014 00:00

oloccina usually the user see the "+" sign in the field and try to click it before trying to type anything, they do not understand that there is something to type in first, they think that by clicking th "+" sign something will happen

Agree with you! The current visual style is not for the average enduser.

(maybe the new jQuery/bootstrap tags auto-complete might have a better UX, including UI customization. See first demos over here)

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