nican VIP
Total posts: 392
29 Март 2014 12:44

In some casesit would be useful to have a special module whcih displays a notice to those users who have not yet submitted any record (or a x number of records) to a certain section or using a certain type

useful in social networks to remind users to submit articles, special profiles....

useful in directories when you want to have more records of one type/section (eg for seo marketing purposes) to get users to submit exactly what you need most

thank you

Последние изменения: 31 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
31 Март 2014 02:54

Like the idea. Maybe something for the advanced parameters in "Submit Module" ?!
Or even an option for "Section Statistics" module ?!

BTW, there was another topic/question where someone wanted to "check for users articles" ;-)

brianpat VIP
Total posts: 211
31 Март 2014 08:26

I also like this feature. This will be useful.

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