nican VIP
Total posts: 392
23 Март 2014 15:18

Hello, I have a records field set to automatically display the author's records from my section "events"

in other words this "records" field displays the last events created by the record's author

now... the type of these events has a date field set to "override the record expire date"

my problem is that even if the expire date is being overrided correctly, the expired events are hidden to non-special users in the events list but are not "unpublished"

I still see them as "published" in backend

thus in this "records" field are disaplied also events that as a matter of fact are expired

is there a way to avoid this?

maybe you could set the "override record expire date" of the date field to also unpublish the record instead that just changing the expire date

thank you

Последние изменения: 24 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
23 Март 2014 18:12

oloccina maybe you could set the "override record expire date" of the date field to also unpublish the record instead that just changing the expire date

Since the original expire date is overriden, it should have the same effect and functionality. The expire date stores your data from the date field, and this changed date is used by Cobalt to recognize an expiration.

So, I assume there must be another issue. Maybe the Records-field simply ignores the expired records...? or does not respect section/type settings for expired records.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
23 Март 2014 18:30

what I see in backend is that the records are expired, but they are still in "published" state


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Март 2014 00:03

oloccina records are expired, but they are still in "published" state

Expired does not mean un-published. The expired date is just a special date. It does not behave like J! core publish-down. You can set the visibililty in Section parameters. It is an ACL select for expired records. This parameter should have an impact on your records field as well. (at least I would expect it)

oloccina I still see them as "published" in backend

An expired record can have both: publish and un-publish status.

You may have expired records that you want to show for any reason. And then may want to remove certain records from the site... then you can un-publish and completely remove them from display.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Март 2014 00:24

oloccina thus in this "records" field are disaplied also events that as a matter of fact are expired

Good point. I see two possible options or Records-field:

  • Show/Hide Expired based on Section parameter (not flexible)
  • Show/Hide Expired based on field parameter (maybe most versatile)

Maybe the latter could be an additional parameter in Records-field.
Currently I see no option for "expired" in Records-field.
It does not make sense in the Selectbox "What to show". It should be an additional option for all of them.

A workaround might be to check for the expire-date in field "default" template?! Article list template override parameter does not help, because there is no parameter for core date, or filtering in general. Apart from fields exclusion, it is all about show and hide elements and presentation style.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Март 2014 00:58

pepperstreet Show/Hide Expired based on Section parameter (not flexible)

Bildschirmfoto 2014-03-24 um 00.49.34

Just made a quick test with Records field and respective "Expired" Section parameter.
It takes this Section parameter into account!

BTW, if Section param is set to "Special", the "Author" is not included! He can't see the expired Records in article full view! But in Section "MyMenu" and on his homepage.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
24 Март 2014 10:32

pepperstreet Just made a quick test with Records field and respective "Expired" Section parameter.

It takes this Section parameter into account!

BTW, if Section param is set to "Special", the "Author" is not included! He can't see the expired Records in article full view! But in Section "MyMenu" and on his homepage.

thank you for taking the time to test this! so if I understand correctly if section parameter "who can see expired records" is set to special then normal users won't see expired records in the "records" field. Correct?

I am working on a project were I have several emerald subscriptions and the ACL settings are a bit intricate, so often I see something which isn't right but I forget that maybe I see it because I am logged in as special, or because I am logged in as normal test user but with certain emerald subscriptions.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Март 2014 17:02

oloccina if section parameter "who can see expired records" is set to special then normal users won't see expired records in the "records" field. Correct?

Exactly. This is the basic feature by pure section configuration. The important detail is: Even the Author of those records will not see them. He is not considered as a special user for his own records. But the auhtor can reach and edit expired records via MY-SECTION-MENU and on his homepage.

oloccina often I see something which isn't right but I forget that maybe I see it because I am logged in as special,

I know what you are talking of! ;-)

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