Total posts: 202
03 Сен 2014 14:39


It would be really useful for there to be a button on the map template that enables the viewer to centre the map with their current location.

There seems to be something a little like this when adding a location search to filters ... "Marker at my current location".

It would be great if this "Centre Map on current location" button could appear in the same places as the other map layers (e.g. weather, panaramio, traffic etc. etc.

Maybe a good place for it to reside in the settings here:

Enbabele Centre Map on Current location button Yes/No Enable Panaramio layers Yes/No Enable traffic layers Yes/No ...

Thanks for listening,


Последние изменения: 04 Сен 2014

Total posts: 13,748
04 Сен 2014 04:08

This is something we are planing to add in CObalt 9 along with directions service.

Работает на Cobalt